Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thursday Portrait.....

In the Midnight Hour, he cried Fifty Five!
With a Rebel Yell, he cried FIFTY-FIVE!!!!
Thats right...Billy Idol turns 55 this month.
How do I look? Do I have "The Sneer" down pretty good?
At least I don't have Herpes like Billy...hehehehe
See ya Thursday 8:00 PM EST.
Say, thats a nice day for a........White Wedding!


  1. Hmmm. Looks like things are a bit snarled.:)

  2. wow...hard to believe since i was listening to him in HS....

  3. Ha! OH, yes. These bring back memories... (Mony Mony) (Hey Little Sister..White Wedding)

    My son also used Billy Idol as a character study when he played Kenickie (Grease) at Bay View this past summer. He also used to be called Lil' Billy Idol when he was a toddler because of his blond hair...

  4. lazy me... I didn't link those correctly...

    White Wedding)

    Mony Mony

    So, let's get the party started, shall we? :)

  5. Snarl, sneer- lazy wolf-
    Do love some of his tunes, good for dancing!!

  6. You suit a smile more than a sneer G-man. :)

    I'll be back tomorrow with a 55. x

  7. Sorry dude but yours looks more like a permanent hole for a cigar.

  8. Hey, I can do that lip-curl thing, too!

    And. . . if you don't have herpes like Billy does, how DO you have herpes?

    Just, you know, wonderin'. . .


  9. that's a great sneer you're working, g-man! i can't believe billy is 55!

  10. Most people can do that right or left but not both. I'm a lefty.

  11. I'm actually ready for Friday's 55 ahead of schedule this week... I even have it set to automatically post at 8 p.m. tonight.

    'Til then, I'll just be "dancing with myself" (RAWR!)

  12. I think he cried More more more than 55, but you know these rock stars. There's never enough.

    I had nothing for tonight, but fortunately the republicans debated again and saved my butt, so I will be back later to offend and anger the politically sensitive.
