(Translated from French)
I'm still alive!!
I'm still alive!!
God help me Please!
I can't feel my legs!
I can't feel my arms!
I can't feel my body!
The crowd is cheering.
They hate me
They hate me...
Bless me Father for I have sinned...
(Fade to black...)
Is it Sunday? Can you write Micro-Fiction using
only 160 Characters? Yes? Then post it on your
Blog and go visit The Monkey Man....Here!
cut the head off the snake, but watch out it can still bite you for a bit...
I've often wondered....
That's one long dying breath. Thanks for playing along with the Sunday 160.
Nice one! They say headless chickend run around for a while so why not...
My My, such an interesting take!
Very clever- Thanks!
Argh, gruesome. On the other hand, he probably had it coming.
Urgh! Gruesome!
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs...... ooops too late! ;)
A bold and powerful 160.
Enjoyed the sentiments.
This is the funniest damn thing ever!
Mama Zen...
It twernt supposed to be Funny!
Unless you are a Necrophile....
Very evocative. . .
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