Sunday, November 27, 2011

Road Trip.....

I've worked very hard this month.
Everyone seemed to have a place to travel to
over the Holidays but me. The Wolverines ended
A fantastic 8-0 Home Schedule which is now over.
The Christmas Season is upon us.
I need a little "Pre-Christmas" R&R.
There is only one solution...ROAD TRIP!!!!!
I'll be all Pre-Posted, so business as usual.
Have a Kick-Ass Week People!!!


  1. Enjoy every second, G! You deserve some quality rest and rejuvenation time.

  2. Hope you have a blast, my friend. Be safe. There are crazy people out there. Just like here, but they can actually touch you.

  3. Have a good one, hope the weather pans out for you. :)

  4. A little R&R is always good. Have fun.

  5. Find somewhere warm ? enjoy the 'fill-up' and zoom!

  6. Enjoy yer trip, G.

    And (*sigh*) congrats to yer Blues for a really nice season. If they go undefeated at home next year, they'll have earned it. . . ;)
