Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Haiku Wednesday.....

"Till Death Do Us Part"...
Or else Seventy-Two days.
Which ever comes first!

That darn Kimmy K...
Who says she has NO talent?
She EXCELS at Scams!!

Is it Wednesday? Do you Haiku? Yes?
Then post one on your blog, and visit Jenn at
Sensational Haiku Wednesday!
This weeks 'Theme' is...Excel.


  1. pathetic. scam artist indeed. $18 million dollars spent for the publicity and attention.

  2. All that for some bling and 72 days of respectability seems pretty sleazy to me.:)

  3. I try really, really hard to maintain my status as a card-carrying member of the Who-Gives-a-Rat's-Ass school of attending to tabloid journalism. . .

    But, you know, this one. . . I mean, screw around however it suits you to, but I'd wish that when it comes to marriage, it could at least be taken a little bit seriously. . .

    Clever haikus, tho. . .

  4. Looks like she was only in it for the 'rock'!

  5. I never knew "Love"
    Was subject to such a short
    Expiration date

  6. Who cares if there's a pre-nup if the multi-million dollar ring isn't included?

  7. I didn't even know she got married until I heard she had filed for divorce. So sad... Makes for good fodder for a haiku, though ;)

  8. You are greater than she will ever be. :)

  9. EXCELLENT syllabage in thes, G-Man.

    I really do not know WHO The Kardashians are, tho I know they are famous. famous for being famous, I think?

    I say she give the $2,000,000.00 ring back. It was not so much a gift as a contractual exchange.


  10. Oh, you've got THAT right. I just don't get why those sleaze bags are popular. I refuse to watch or read about them... I just don't care to see that kind of crass nonsense.

    Terrific and fun haiku this week!
