Poor Tiger Woods!
As he was getting ready to putt yesterday at a golf
tournement, some Ass-Hole yelled his name and tossed
a Hot Dog onto the green. The man was just a publicity
seeker and meant no harm, but he was quickly arrested
and later charged with Disorderly Conduct.
This is just one more weird item that Woods has had to
dodge over the years. Here is a partial list of the Madness
that has been thrown his way...
Numerous poorly chucked fruits and vegetables.
A German Potato Masher
A Black Bear cub
Scottish Kittens
A Caber
A pair of Britanny Spears spoiled panties
Used condoms
A Vera Wang peep-toed pump (Size 8, the Left one)
Car keys to a Ford Edsel
A full bottle of Dad's Old Fashioned Root Beer
A free ticket to a Joe Peschi Film Festival!!
The list goes on...
The price you pay for Fame and Fortune!
I'm glad that I'm a poor NOBODY....:-)
I saw a few Monkey flinging their poop at him once too...I'm in the nobody fan club with you Gman, glad to keep you company.:)
that is just bizarre. is that list for real???? people are so weird!
No Trini...Just the Hot Dog
(A Joe Peschi film festival?)
hmm... my heart bleeds for poor Tiger Woods... (not)
Sorry for my lack of compassion for the man.
i never get cool things thrown at me...smiles.
Rich in friends...
The closest I get to someone throwing stuff at me is my four year old saying, "momma this! momma this!" while holding out her hand.
"What is it?" I ask her.
"It's from my nose." she says with a smile. Fabulous! :P
That poor bastard will never live it down.
Every comment you leave on my blog is the same "Fuck You". I'm starting to think you want me to exit, stage left.
I can't bring myself to say, "poor, Tiger"...he prolly deserves anything that's thrown at him ;)
Have a nice day? Are you drunk? Did you slip and fall?
G-Man...i'm worried aboot ye
hahaha you can now make a fail post with this, is kind of cool when you see bad pictures or when something funny happen, like the skirt spoilers...
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