Monday, October 17, 2011

TMI Tuesday.....

Some posts just don't require texts do they?
See ya tommorrow....

(Christina...? You just ruined my appetite for Clams and Taco's)


  1. those are some disturbing images and thoughts, gman!

  2. Oh, my. One doesn't even know what to say about those images. One certainly doesn't want to think about them.:)

  3. No text required definitely.

    Thanks for your kind words re my Dad m'dear, I appreciated them very much.

    Not sure I'll be back to Flash Fiction this week but I will get back eventually. xx

  4. I wear rubber gloves when I work with hot chiles, so no worries there.

  5. See, I've got personal experience with both the , uh, milk thing, and the, uh, spicy cooking thing.

    My wife REALLY didn't like the post-jalapeno intimacy thing. . . But *her* milk is really pretty tasty; especially on my cereal, or in my coffee. . . And, you know, just a little bit kinky. . . (But, um, yeah. . . I wouldn't want my neighbor's. . . or anyone else's)

  6. Those are hillarious - but I'd like to tell the young lad in the large t-shirt that - no, he probably won't.
