"Bobby...Look at the booty on that chick"!
.....Tom said asininely.
'Yikes Tom, I don't see anything attractive about her'
.....His friend said blindly.
"Oops, never mind...She's sporting a wedding ring".
.....Tom said with abandon.
'You're killin me.'
.....Bobby croaked.
"Grrrrr, I'm just very "Needy". My left hand is overworked!
.....Tom said callously.
Remember those 'Tom Swifties' growing up?
A phrase or a quoted sentence linked by a related pun?
No? Then you are WAYYYY too young!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!
So from the most punny host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End...G-Man said Punishingly!
dang...you got to work 'hard' to get callouses like that...hehe...fun play on words g
mine is up...my 55...
kowabunga dude!
fun post... happy to finally join you here ~
Grooooan. But the word play makes up for it.
HERE is my 55 for this week.
I'm all flustered, the word play makes up for it though.
Here's mine
Before my time...
G...I was thinking you would go gore for the upcoming festivities
Happy Halloween G and everyone
There's enough blood to go around
'Some guys just aren't too sharp,' she remarked cuttingly.
No one here like that though. The humor is like a veritable poignard.(because my 55 has no dictionary words and I want to keep you on your toes.)
I'm playin:
Orion Rising
Hey, I did your homework for you. There is NO word poignard in the English dictionary... but in French it means "dagger". ?
I am SO thrilled as this post means I am YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG!!! You have made my year. Mine is a bit on the topic of age... it was a hellish poetry "assignment" from dVerse, but manageable knowing I had to keep it to 55 words! :)
Springtime's Song
What a coincidence! My 55 also contains the word "croaked".
Check it out for yourself...
Right here. :)
You will also be shocked that it contains absolutely no food references whatsoever.
I'm almost afraid to comment, for fear of implicating myself...... :)
I'm up (unlike last week where I was all false promise!)
Yep, I am too young, I fear. A '64 model here.
And this post reminds me I saw some ads for undies with butts in them to make the booty even more bubbly-butted. Thinking of getting some!
Oh, I have one more collage to photograph, then my 55 will be up. Supposed to be sunny tomorrow morning, so I am hoping to get a great photo!
every time i come here, i enjoy reading your post and their comments. :)
here'e mine:
Needy indeedy, try some lotion for overworked hands. ;-)
I'm playin' mine will be posted shortly. I just need a title.
Aw, thanks. I had no idea I was so young.
Mine is up
I would take this as a sign that I'm young, but it's more likely I'm just clueless. Popular culture wasn't just a foreign language but a foreign country to me when I was a young'un.
Here's mine, in keeping with the season: Hallow's Eve
too bad the girl could not give him a hand, her finger was already bound :D
A prominent problem there.
You'll find mine here.
took me some time to get it ! Am i too young ?? ;)
anyway , i posted a story ending for you here
Have a great weekend !!
i will be working this weekend ! sigh !
Oh you! I got the pun in the 55, but I have never heard the phrase "Tom Swifties." It's certainly not because I'm too young. Probably has more to do with not having brothers or not having boyfriends who told me about guy stuff or maybe I was just not paying attention. :)
Anyway, Happy Halloweiny!
Mine is Dr. Smrt makes a housecall
Hi Mr. Knowitall, I love Tom Swifties. Yes, I remember. The books too were favorites of my bro. He read them serially as a young teen. (I'm not commenting on other activities.)
That's not funny, darn.
The words trip off my tongue, but my jokes fall flat. I do think there has to be a "said" in there though.
Thanks much. K.
Hi Mr. Knowitall, I'm trying to post my link again using code, she said sneakily and with attachment.
Both Desperate
Booty! Now there is a word I haven't heard in a while! -What is it with all these women in white clothes all of a sudden...Thanks.
You always make me laugh....a good thing.
Mine's up. Happy weekend!
Didn't write one (yet?) this week, but stopped by to read. LOVE the pic on this one! Have a great week.
Um, no. And I'm not all that young.
Blushing, and I was worried I was going too far. Smile, love the wordplay in those dialogue tags, so clever.
Mine is up here.
This is hilarious!
Sorry I'm not up to playing again but I enjoyed yours. x
Haha!Loved it. You should be ambidextrous...
here's mine, a little late.
Just posted!! whoooohooooooo.
"Tom said callously" is brilliant. You're the bomb.
I'm up:
A magic egg
loved the tom swifties. and love yours too!
LOL U R Soooooo Good at being ....Bad!! LOL Never fail to me me giggle:
Here's mine:
Flying Duck
Had to read that one twice. Very clever :)
Mine is here
Galen: I have a post although it isn't a 55er. I lost my kitty cat today. Have I had a crummy year or what?? Tell me it will get better. D
See, I knew even back then that Tom Swift was a guy thing. ;-)
Hey G, I'm impressed you STILL know it all. You are the bomb!
Sorry, you caught my blog on a particularly depressing post. They aren't all like that...LOL. Actually, life is very, very good.
Luv Lou
Yeah i always fall in the same... is pretty that we the men get caught all the time watching girls, that's why i prefer to be single, i can do whatever i want haha
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