"Tomare...Everyone get back, QUICKLY!!!
Leave hands at side, do not touch anything!
We wise to you and your sinister plot."
'There is no sinister plot...
How dare you detain me for no reason?'
"No reason?
A Japanese man would NEVER have a huge bulge
in pants like that. You must be hiding BOMB!!"
(Tomare...A pork filled Corn Massa treat steamed in a husk)
(Just kidding...It's Japanese for STOP!)
Shhhhh... No PC diatribes, it's SATIRE!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!
Diatribes? Sheesh. That's freaking hilarious!
It’s great to be back in the Land of Friday 55! Brought a few words for the most Gracious Host from coast to coast…
that is the last time i share a personal story for you...really it was rather embarassing to be searched in the middle of the airport...ha....
i am up...my post....that is
Oh goodness old flicks I see
bombs in a thong now there's a new one
G keep rockin those 55s
And Ti is once more at Yahtzee position
Ohhh I forgot to thank you G for always being such a wonderful coast from host to host...
I mean...
No matter how it is wrapped it is uncomfortable! thanks for hosting-
Tomare--HA! You're killin me.
I had no idea of your far reaching linguistic accomplishments hithertofore, sir. I am most impressed. So much so that I forced myself to go down into the dark, cavernous depths below Castle Hedgewitch and open up the vaults--I found only dust, empty wine bottles, spiders, and this little offering to appease the friday gods:
Bead Work
I thought he was just happy to see me!
I'm up, G-Man!
Not that I have anything relevant to add to a discussion on large packages.... but this was a good posting!
My 55 word offer is up.
Well, he too was gonna blow up his own.....!!
Here is mine:
You know you're dealing with someone seriously nuts when they are willing to give up the goods like that.
Mine is up
Yay for satire. :)
And I laughed at the tomare/tamale joke.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
did you ever see that old japanese superhero show, ultraman? this made me think of that. lol. this week's 55 is just for you, my friend.
I guess that tomare bombed, huh?:)
Yeah Sherry...
Briefly....hehehehehe..Get it?
LMAO!!! I've got nothin' for that one. You left me somewhat speechless. ;-)
I'm playing this week. Mine will go live at midnight Pacific time.
You're so right....gotta be a sock. HERE is my 55 for this week.
Ha ha ha at Brian.
The underwear explosives brings new meaning to hot pants.
Amazing one,
G-Man, I am taking a rain-check for 2 or 3 weeks, will be back when I am ready in November.
Stay Upbeat, Have Fun with your game!
We need more of this in society. I'm tired of PC.
And whatever happened to "ladies night" Thursdays and Friday at 5 happy hours... Now it's helping with geometry 'till 10:30 and running kids around Friday nights... Hey sounds like there might be a 55 in there somewhere. I'll have to ponder it and link tomorrow. Therums and proofs have fried my brains for tonight.
Hilarious! I'm all in favor of forgetting PC sometimes. Mine is up.
Dear Host With The Most On Any And All Coasts...
no PC Diatribes here, too sleepy for that.
So sleepy my 55 has not yet arrived.
At least he put the potato in the front not the BACK of his tights.
Yay, I was 21. Comment 21!!
And I was 21 once, but don't remember any of it. Except for a wild pig roast on a beach one night.
And Japanese men in tights.
am off tiger spotting now at http://bit.ly/ruNtBK
My 55 offering is posted, "sans culottes"
Nothing beats your humor, G-man :)
You can visit my site now. I promise there's no bomb there. :)
It's a dog's life for me today. HERE
Gives new meaning to the term "blow it out your ..." as for me, mine is a coast-to-coast post (in a manner of speaking) for the host with the most and you can find it here)
I am an old friend with a new place and a real name.
Excellently funny :-)
You'll find mine here.
ha ha-- tomare... tomorrow and-oh that bomb hidden whoo knows where.
You always make me laugh
Glad to be back
OK-I'll try to come on a regular basis
Thanks Gallen
Have a nice weekend everyone... and I almost forgot
If those are not the PC Police then I guess you are safe! This fine educational piece taught me a new word (tomare)!
Funny comments, too. :)
Mine is: Occupy:
Very amusing for a Friday! Great stuff!
Here's mine for this week: http://mylittlewordz.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/protection/
In case anybody missed it yesterday: Grave Presumptions 55
It's Fridayyyyyy Yipppeee
You always make me smile!
Here's mine:
Hi Mr. Knowitall! I'm a newcomer here, and I'm worried that your posts are terribly funny, while mine is on the serious side. But there's always next week, right? Thanks for the thought of this very fun exercise.
PS - I even got the name of the whole thing wrong--so much for neophytes, but did get your link, right. thanks.
Oh, that's a good one! And a good take on just how crazy some people are.
Here's mine at Roses to Rainbows
Not a word...well, except for the fact it's fun watching t.v. anchors try to say "underwear bomb" with a straight face. :P
Mine's up....happy weekend!
You say "tomare" and I say "tamale"! Hee hee hee!
I played over HERE
You get cheekier by the week!
I'm in here. A bit late - but it's still Friday over here.
Here's mine: Golden Age
OK... I did it and I didn't complain. I mean, who really wants to party like 21 year old's anyway?
<a href="http://margaretbednar365.blogspot.com/2011/10/friday-flash-55-sebastian.html>Sebastian</a>
What happened? I'll try it again... (and btw, Funster has me in stitches!
G, you are freakin' TOOOO fun, man! I'm so offended by your satire, or is it a satre (you seemed a bit philosophical). Anyhoo, I've got a heavy load of 55 to share with ya.
Galen: Never tire of sa-tire. OOHH.
Mine is up. Yes, a repeat, but it's something. Still fighting the doldrums. Any ideas? Maybe I'll get some chocolate from the store tomorrow. Anything would help!! D
Last Again :(
What is this world coming to G? I just don't get how some peoples brains work.
but if this is about Brian, err... I don't think I want to know anymore of that story. :~{
Just saw your site today. I like it and will be back when I have more time to play! Very clever! ♥
G-Man, I am taking a rain-check for 2 or 3 weeks, will be back when I am ready in November.
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