Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pure Michigan....

Hi Everybody...
What a Kick Ass Week-End My son Reese and Myself had.
This is the Super-8 Bridgeview...Very Rustic looking.
Walk across the street, and you are at a free public park
with The Mackinaw Bridge and Mackinaw Island, and the
Upper Peninsula for your viewing pleasure.
I didn't go to The Island Saturday, I hung out in town by myself
recovering from The Ague that was helped GREATLY by the
fresh unpolluted air! This fish joint is one of THE best in the state.
The Copper Dude is a local street performer that reminds me a
bit of the street folks in New Orleans.
That stone house is right next to the park, and in my opinion is
located on The most beautiful lot in America.
On the way home Sunday we took a detour and ended up in a
very quaint spot called Cross Village. It's claim to fame is this
authentic Polish Restaurant that is on a bluff overlooking
Lake Michigan. If you are lucky enough to secure outside seating
you are blessed with a panoramic view thats unforgettable.
Of course those deer on the front lawn are Real. Click on each
Pic for a larger view.
Michigan doesn't have any mountains, but it is one of the most
beautiful States we have, come visit us sometime.....Peace!!


  1. lovely shots,
    I'm sure it is an enjoyable place to be.

    I used to live in Chicago for 3 hours, love the view of Lake Michigan.
    Close, though.

  2. oops, I used to live in Chicago for up to to 3 years. Not 3 hours.

    wow, what a day.

    Bless your Sunday.

  3. Wow, these are super enticing shots! I have always wanted to visit Mackinaw Island. So far the closest I have come is watching "Somewhere In Time" and receiving a souvenir t-shirt from there sent by my sister when she got to go.
    Fun post.

  4. We have the most beautiful state in the union. Thanks for the photos for introducing our state to those who have not been here. Cross Village is quaint, but there isn't anything like the Mighty Mac. Oh...and we do have mountains....the Porcupine Mountains!

  5. so glad you had such a nice time. and i agree, though flat michigan is a lovely place.

  6. nice...glad you had a great weekend friend...lunch sounds good...neat exterior of that motel with the wood and stone...welcome home...

  7. It looks gorgeous. Maybe Michigan would be a good holiday destination for us one day.
    Glad you had a great time G-man.

  8. Hubby's parents are from the U.P. and his Mom always said the green is greener.

    I never understood until we visited his Grandmother! is so pretty when there's no humidity to bring it down.

  9. Very beautiful. Glad you had a great time and hope you're finally feeling better!

  10. Lovely. I've been a couple of times and enjoyed it.

  11. Dear G-Man,
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. I wanted to be sure to let you know, however, that I am not the talent you think I that poem was written by the person whose name is next to the title! (I also included it at the bottom with copyright.) I think that you must have been wrapped up in the tale told by the poem and just did not notice the author's name...or maybe you hoped that one of your Friday 55 writers was capable of writing such a great piece (quite likely another Friday 55 personis!), but, alas, I am not that writer!

    I just found out that one of my Facebook friends vacationed at Mackinaw Island with a group of her women friends a few years ago. Man, I really want to see it! :)

  12. it is lovely G - hope that the lake air had some healing effects

    thanks as always for sharing a piece of you with the blogging community
