Someone once asked me when do you know
that a relationship is over. I said my
greatest fear is when they see your number
and refuse to answer!
Not that this is EVER happened to me of course.
Is it Sunday? Can you write Micro-Fiction
in exactly 160 characters? Yes?
Then go visit The Monkey Man....Here!
oh that's right....it's YAHTZEE!
but what if they just have a dead battery?
I wouldn't know. Yah....sure. Thanks for playing along with the Sunday 160.
yikes yeah that is not a good sign at all...communication break down...
my 160
Well, if she doesn't answer when she sees my number--at least she's not talking to the NEXT one..good 160...long time no see!
MY 160
If anyone ever did it to me, they never let on. Except I think a time or two when I text messaged my son to come home.
That's when you no longer ring their bell, of course...
Good, relatable.
Ah, call display. Such a useful tool, but such fine technology comes with a price...
But tell your friend to look on the bright side - as long as she hasn't changed her number, there's still hope. :)
I can't imagine that anyone would ever ignore your calls G!
I'm going to date myself here, but I remember when they couldn't see your number. Then you knew by that "Oh, it's you" tone of voice.
Thank god for the technology that allows us to be picky. ;)
That is so true, G-Man!
Oh, dear. That's not happening to you a lot, is it?
apt 160.
your words linger.
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