He hated getting caught on the course during
a thunder storm.
Lightening Bullseyed the umbrella!
He woke up with rain in his face, and a smoldering
hat. A Teutonic man that smelled of pork was
shaking him.
(He saw the Swastikas, but what he didn't know was...
This was Parallel Earth!!)
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most parallel host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Sci Fi 55. Who knew?
HERE is my 55 for this week.
Anyone who plays golf in the rain is *already* in a parallel universe, imho. Also, I think I know that guy with the pork smell--my fifth grade teacher. I swear.
I'm playin. This one is just plain silly:
Some Observations
Oh....Parcheesee or whatever.
Golfers are some of the most stu... I mean faithful "athletes" I know...
There was a Young Man
Thanks for hosting!
I hate it when lightning does that to me! It's so difficult getting a ride back home.
Have a great weekend, G!
Mine's here.
Wow. A flash of lightning turned the world upside down. Bizarre imagination there, Mr. Knowitall.
Meat Company Epiphany
I don't find the concept of parallel universes all that unusual. I'm pretty sure I enter one frequently.:-)
nice...love the alternative earth tales...kinda freaky...well played g....
my 55
A shocking conclusion!
I'm up!
That's quite the twist on the tale.
Mine is up
Parallel earth?
Is Pluto still considered a planet there?
I liked Pluto.
Thanks for another Friday 55.
Mine's here. :)
As I scanned down the page, one photo after the other, I wondered how it would all be pulled together. Very creative 55, G. I like it!
Me, I'm ignoring, I mean BENDING, the rules again. But I'm in with 55 music-related words. Day 30, baby! :)
It's HERE.
all i can think of is the scene in caddy shack when the guy takes a bolt thru his club. lol
i'm up here
Thanks, but all I could think of was Caddyshack. :)
I tried my hand at your 55. I wish I could to the link thing in comments. http://beinghappygirl.blogspot.com/2011/06/johnny-cant-read.html
How scary is that! I hope I don't wake up in a parallel universe where goats don't rule the world. My human has a 55 here.
Parallel earth..?
Now I am paranoid too! Crack Boom!!
Wishing you a nice weekend xox
Writing My Destiny
I loved it!
my 55 at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2011/06/time.html
Haliar...makes me think of this girl who swore she ducked lightening on the course!
Honoring vanity tonight, no my best...but had the stupid song in my head all day ... in vain, indeed .
But he's going to realise he's got superpowers now, isn't he? Great 55
My 55 are here
See, I knew playing golf was dangerous! ;)
Mine's up.
Cool. =)
Here's mine.
a seasonal 55, matching the mood of summer perfectly.
My 55
Whoa, that last part is my worst nightmare. You've got a lot going on here, G-Man. I love how you made it all work so well. And sneaking in that last photo, yeah, I read recently that bonds are suddenly a great idea again.
Here's mine:
I know a lot of folks need to go back to that other parallel universe...so you say it just takes large amounts of amperage through a metal pole. I know where to put the pole now to make the lightning come!
This sounds like crazy imagination. Mine's Here
I dreamt something similar to this, all in all stupid.
Have a kick ass Weekend!
lol fun, as usual... I've been AWOL, back with a vengeance... my 55 is here: www.sobernuggets.blogspot.com
How I wish to land up in a parallel world!!
Here is mine:
the middle is what we are
A thousand apologies for the duff link in my last comment.....
I'll try again
Positively electrifying FF55.
Love walking in the rain during a thunderstorm.
I heard ya, G. So here you go.
Mine's up. No. Really. DESPITE the new computer glitches. :)
Have a good weekend!
I love it! I wonder if some of the storm chasers on our Earth are from a parallel universe trying to get back. :D
Here's mine:
At the Speed of Me
Now now... there is war (and duhh.. Golf) everywhere.. innit? Earth or its parallel - it don't matter.. :(
As for that pork smelling man, last night, I was watching season 2 of Tru Blood (ya know, the Vampirey stuff).. and when I read pork now, "fond" memories from True Blood came flooding to me.. :)
Well well.. here's my drunken (in love??) 55 for ya, G-Man! :) TGIF!!
Kaboom !!
Parallel Earth ?? I thought of it just today morning ..
Good one G-Man !
Here's mine Soft World 55er !
00000h....I love SciFi! Mine is up, almost didn't realize it was Friday. What a lovely surprise when I actually clued in. Yikes it has been a long week.
Mine is up!
Umn, pork? Edible aliens? Sounds good.
I once got hit by lightning on a trampoline in Wisconsin, peed my pants, got knocked into a coma and woke up in De Moines at a Mormon campground that smelled like sauteed spinich and grape Jello. For true!!!
Hope all is well.
kind of tired and busy these days.
I looked through the entries and made visits to almost everyone.
Happy Saturday.
Hehehe! I agree with Hedgewitch on that point. Playing golf in a thunderstorm already indicates he was in a parallel universe! :D Scifi flash well written G-man!
My Flash 55 For This Week
That is a fun post. Yep, alternate universe.
Maybe I can join you guys next time.
Still finding my way around the blogger world.
What?? You always leave me surprised. No 55 today, the computer was in repairs all week, and last night was our towns grad. My older teens were at their first all nighter town party, I didn't sleep a wink for worry. Any advice on how to get past the teens years and live to talk about it?
Wowsa now that's an energy packed 55
Sorry I didn't link I was wifi less
Happy Weekend
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