Shhhhh......Lord Limerick Speaks!
Kate welcomes her pinches and clinches
You can see she is one Happy Princess
The cause of her bliss
Simply cums down to this...
HER 'Ruler' is more than 12 Inches!!
And your Bonus 'Classic' of the week...
There once was a girl from Vancouver
Who sucked like an industral Hoover
She did her job well
But it was Blow Job Hell...
Because once finished, you couldn't remove her!
Is it Wednesday?
Do you have any poetry or prose laying around?
In any form? Yes? Then post it on your Blog, and go
whoa, really? I bet she's just glowing with happiness. hahaha
Man, I bet you are a *royal* pain in the butt after thinking up a limerick that good.
I bet it sounds even bigger converted to the metric system.
sounds a little inflated to me...haha.and breaking that suction seal can leave marks...
ummm...Yikes! and Ouch too!
Royalty may begin to frown
As they continue from town to town
For you have made fun
Which was so well done
That they may want to stab you with their crown
Ha..ha... thanks for lightening up my day.
Hey, I love that Royal Couple ~
Oh my...haha, absolutely splendid G-man. A naughty bit of fun.
Hmm she must be a happy princess
Thank you G man for your support of one stop - we are where we are because of supporters like you
12 inches, huh? Well, Enquiring Minds Want To Know... :)
Oh my, the secrets of William, unleashed...
one shot wednesday indeed....there's a double shot. got a towel?
LOL :D Lord of Limericks you are indeed, G-Man..!
Hmmm. So THAT'S what it is about princesses. All righty, then.:-)
Hey, G, they are British! That "12" is probably in centimeters. It's no big thing. ;-)
Of course he is, he is six feet plus!
( My mind is not in the gutter...OM...)
Ah but I bet he doesn't use it as a rule. ;)
I knew there was a real reason we should have converted to the metric system forty years ago. Oh the bliss that could have been!!
I'm shocked! I think you can possibly be beheaded for that poem. ;-)
Just fantastic!
ahhhh the first one is tres mucho funny
Can't blame her for that smile then, can you!
If I don't get back these ways again soon, it isn't cus I don't love you, but I am heading out to celebrate a long weekend EARLY! Happy dance
Wowzer...you like topped the meter of clever on this one..ruler! dang, that was fabulous! Second one was brilliant, too, but I think guys get a better kick out of that one, ha!
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