Shhhhhhh... Lord Limerick Speaks..
Although he incessently balled her
Crystal left Hef standing at the altar
She lamented with grief
"I just needed relief...
From his tool; The Cock of Gibralter"!!
Another Bonus "Classic"...
There once was a man named McNameter
Who was blessed with Both length and Diameter
But it wasn't the Size
That gave the Surprise...
Twas the Rhythm...Iambic Pentameter!
Is it Wednesday? Do you have any Poetry or Prose
laying around? Yes? Post it on your blog, then go
visit HERE!
Good grief!
what playboy that hef is... hahah
"Twas the Rhythm...Iambic Pentameter!"
too funny!
on this rock i will build my...mansion and fill it with two of each kind of woman...err....smiles. fun limerick g
Lord Limerick strikes again! You're killing me with these, G. lmao
Oh, Hef...he even sparks his own limericks...
was the Rhythm...Iambic Pentameter!... OH MY GOSH! soooooo funny!
Your post was fun after reading some serious poems from other bloggers.
Nice to meet you~
That's poetic license to kill. I spewed diet coke on the keyboard at the Gibralter line, and the iambic pentameter was far from shabby. Thanks for some comic relief, my friend.
Oh, my! Your poetic prowess knows no bounds.:-)
hahaha nice one
Even though he has money
And may have called her hunny
He's still wrinkled beyond belief
Uses other bimbos for relief
So leaving him at the altar was funny
Lord Limerick, you are hilarious!
I never have anything good to say here except that I'm laughing. That's always good though, right? Thanks :)
G-Man rocks..
Someone is Special
you're full of mischief aren't you!!!
Oh you are naughty......... but I like you. ;)
LOL You are soooooo badddddd and so funny with it too!
This really made me giggle!
You get naughtier don't you? I didn't think that was possible! :)
Holy Mother of God, Galen.. you sure have the "goods"!! ;-)
Fabulous limericks!! :))
Oh my Lord (OML) ~ so not worthy of these Wednesday wonders! Iambic what?!
what a pathetic pair...hef and the bunny...not your set of limericks.
I suspect the heebie jeebies finally caught up with her.
scared of Iambic Pentameter, gives me the chill.
Old dude got it bad, you got Limerick, rime and funny :-)
For a poet, all those poetic metres are so much pleasurable to read, to comtemplate!
a statement
Interesting post... I liked reading it...
Om Namah Shivaya
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