Hi Everybody...
One Shot's resident Limericker is at it again!
Lots of inspiration this week....Enjoy.
A teary-eyed Congressman named Tony
Finally fessed up to being a Phony
The cause of his Demeaner
Was his Internet Weiner
It's Dumb to Tweet with your Balony!!
Bonus Classic Limerick...
A horny young woman named Gloria
Got married to Sir Gerald DeMoria
That night she banged 20 Men
Sir Gerald once again
And the Staff of the Waldorf Astoria!!
Is it Wednesday?
Do you have any Poetry or Prose laying around?
Yes? Then please post it on your Blog,
Then go visit....Here!
snort...he has the most ironic name...lovely limerick G!
thanks for the smiles...I needed a little lightness today:-)
They may have to change the jingle about "My baloney has a first name..." Splendiferous send-up, my friend, and the jerky looks a lot better to me than the Weiner.
(I thank you for giving me the dehydrator suggestion for the Chef who has Everything's Christmas list.)
Why is it all these um...manly studs cry when they get caught?
Nicely played G-man!
I love it. Thanks for lifting my sprits with limerick.
Politicians and limericks were meant for one another, I think! I guess he lives up to his name.,.
Oh your write was such fun
As I smiled a ton
The weiner couldn't stand the heat
Knowing he's been beat
So watch your back for a gun
I don't get the crying either, So much of that in american politics, here in Canada we really don't care whose boinking who, we just want to know when the tax breaks are going to happen.
LOL G Man. You nut. :-)
thank you...may you be blessed dear man, with all the sweetness your heart can hold....your comments on my blog touched me deeply.
Somebody had to do it!
dumb to tweet with your baloney....ROFLMAO! that was priceless! thanks for the fantastic chuckle!
Galen, I wondered when the weiner was going to come up (no pun intended). :)
Thanks for the giggle.
ahahahaha... awesome, both poems.
You've meted out poetic justice to Weinergate.:)
Thanks Sherry, between him and Arnold, inspiration comes easy!
Boys are very easy to make fun of, when they're not thinking with their "big brains" as we refer to them at my house...
OML ~ I must remember to always stop here last, your fun writes are a shot of whiskey to late night coffee, a fun way to end the night, cheers ~
ha ha ha and ha!
you did it again, you funny, funny man!
I thought only little boys cry when they get caught being naughty :)
Chity chity, bang bang!
eye for an eye
Gloria seems to be having a glorious time! ;D
I like bonuses from you! Typical!
I wrote for one shot too...
Hilarious. Did you mean to leave the e out of baloney? this whole thing is distressing in so many ways. The guy has a beautiful wife, for chrissakes. xj
Great God what dumbbells some of these folks are! great job with limericks-
not to sure they even deserve your attention, but it is FUN! thanks.
LOLOL Great stuff!
wonder if your limerick will make the congressman teary...
Happy One Shot
Yeah, I'm laughing and suddenly thinking in terms of limericks. woohoo.
Yeah, I'm laughing and suddenly thinking in terms of limericks. woohoo.
When will they (politicians) ever learn?
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