Thursday, June 9, 2011

Friday Flash 55.....


Family Radio founder Harold Camping was
surprisingly mistaken in predicting that Jesus
would return for his followers on May 21, 2011.
Even The Bible says..."But of that day and hour,
no one knows. Not even the Angels in Heaven, nor
The Son, Only the Father." (Mark 13:32).
How does he determine the date of Rapture?

He's got another date...Sometime in August!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most Ruptured host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


  1. Good point. Have a great weekend my friend. My 55 is up.

  2. hmm...wonder if he put it on my birthday? i dunno what the guy is smoking...

    my sons 55

  3. Oh I'm exciting.


  4. Ugh. I meant raptured :P maybe nine months MIA was really due to what a pain typing on a phone is. Lol

    55 Flash Fiction Friday: You Do Know

  5. Yup! I got one. My first one, and I am suitably nervous for it. I like your post. I always remind myself that no one is supposed to know the "when" too. Mine is here:

    And thank you.

  6. I'm sorry, but I'm all booked up in August. Could he pick another date?

    I'll have a 55 in the morning.

  7. I was hoping he was right--I could have used the extra air and space while waiting to fry in the Bad Place after all those people were Raptured away.

    I'm playin--accidentally appropriate to the theme here with a take on one of the Seven Deadly Sins:


  8. Oh, everything I've read says he moved the Rapture date to October 21st.

  9. what a lunatic.

    all i know is today was hotter than hades!

    i'm up here

  10. I'm astounded that people believe him after his ooops in 88

    today's 55

    Happy Friday y'all I'm northbound on a train with my girl looking at Colleges

    Thanks G

  11. :) each to his own

    come get drenched in the mumbai monsoons at

  12. Yup, interesting how people keep getting conned by this guy. Excellent point.

    Here's mine.

  13. What an interesting 55. My human wrote one with you in mind. It is here.

  14. hi stopping by for the first time, I am going to do that 55 word flash :)

    love your blog


  15. I think I'm just going to do whatever the heck I want and enjoy it until Rapture Day sneaks up on me.

  16. I think you have the answer .. he blindfolds himself and shoots darts at a calendar! Pin the tail on the ass?

  17. I heard it was November... well, confusion abounds!

    Maybe that preacher should stay out of the kitchen...

    What has he done?

  18. Perhaps when he knows the date he should tell God. Or perhaps he should tell Mr Know it All...who will get the word out!
    Mine is up.

  19. I suspect August will come and go and yet another date selected. Will he ever get it right? Hmmmmm.....

    Here's mine: Repeat Echo

  20. Thank you for stopping by :) i am not in Michigan at the moment, that is where Bob lives right now I am in Okie land :)

    Have a great weekend

  21. I heard the rapture is delayed until October 21st, but that will all be academic because the apocalypse is June 21. Confused???

    HERE is my 55 with Breathtaking Curves.

  22. Loved it, Galen. I'm so relieved and now I have more time to say my goodbyes! :)

    My 55: Red Moons and Chipmunks

  23. Fabulous, I can host another camping party. Until then, I've got a reunion to attend. Have a killer weekend, G...stay cool!

  24. So first he was wrong in 1994 (or was it '93?), And again in May. Now he's sure it's August or October?
    "Believers, save your spot on the rapture and get the word out! Send in all your (tax exempt) money now!"
    Do you know how much tax exempt money he's making off his predictions?
    That man is a genius.

    Mine's up.

  25. Once again I've 55 words - but this time, they're off the planet! HERE

  26. let's see if it falls on my B'day.. :) I am all set!

    Phlebotomized Matrimony

    Weekend hugs xox

  27. I think I'll arrange my own rapture and I certainly won't count on his. He, perhaps, needs to get back on his medications.

    My 55, written from the miserable confines of my hospital room where my stomach hankers for some good food, is at:

  28. Wait, you mean I'm not saved???

    Love the use of "surprisingly mistaken" in this context.

    Mine is here:

  29. Maybe Jesus came and fetched the ones he wanted and the Rev wasn't among them!

    I'm up here.

    Might take me a couple of days to get round everyone this week becase (as you can see) I'm off to enjoy myself on the other side of the country. (Which isn't as far here as it would be in the US!)

  30. Well it's all going to end next year [2012] or we will all be sucked into a black hole created by the Hadron Collider, so none of it really matters anyway.

    Have a great weekend y'all.

  31. OK, maybe he's just confusing the date of rapture with the date of birthday celebrations in my family? First my birthday, now August (my little one's due to turn 4 at the end of that month)...

    I have another musical 55, G (don't worry, more than half way through the month now, so it's *almost* over!). Mine is here.

  32. I had joined the group post-rapture looting at FB. But for no avail! Hope I get to loot at the next date!! It is October 21!!!

    Here is my FF 55: it never ends

  33. Mine is up too

  34. Well at least he proved he is not God nor any part there in a small way he did the public a small but expensive (for some) service.

  35. We many not know when it will be, but it's pretty certain when it won't be, and that's when someone predicts it.

    Here's mine at Roses to Rainbows

  36. The date of rapture is always NOW, according to Debbie Harry.

    And holy cow -- JANNIE just posted a 55!! here, I think...?


  37. Hey - same day!
    There is a quote about God being a comedian playing for an audience too afraid to laugh. Well, here's hoping She has a good sense of humor ;-)

  38. I'm booked in August. Every year :) Can he make it another time?

    Here's Mine

  39. Oh boooyyy... these prediction makers! They are WRONG more often than not! :))
    One guy told me I won't post a 55 today.. gee.. how WRONG he was!! ;-))

    Here is mine, G-Man!!
    HUGS TO YOU!!!

  40. Thanks for the knowledge g-Man !

    My post : Ego

    I wanted to tell you one more thing . I was writing a story and i needed a name fr the central character . And dunno y i thought of you .. and i gave him the letter G ! told you jlt :)

  41. August!! ... Hmmm

    Here's my quick 55... kids are keeping me hopping! ...I'm too busy to grow old...

    MY 55

  42. Glad to be playing another week... mines up!

  43. And I thought he picked October...or was that for the actual END of the world? :)

    I was going to play today. Honest. Then I found that danged Google guitar thing and I played it instead. ;)

    I'll try harder next be on time.

  44. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

    Too bad that dude is a cucoo! :)


  45. His must be a case of selective hearing.

  46. That means that I will get to celebrate my birthday once more then! Woohoo!

    Waxing Mommmy moment at my place this evening.

  47. @G-man,

    What couldn’t you read at my blog? I didn’t follow what you meant..

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Thanks for posting! Such faith and boldness,eh ?
    Sorry to be late-ish, this was written on time...

  50. Last again :( No computer all week, out to get fixed, then the internet was down yesterday and is still a bit wonky today. I already wrote something about that nut job a few weeks ago, but here's a little humor about my day yesterday. Enjoy. :)
    Have a sunny weekend!!!

  51. Stopping in while stopping on the road just to say hi!

  52. He's nutty!

    I'm OK G-man, I was on holiday with the family in Wales. :)
