Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thursday Portrait......

Seems like yesterday that it was $2.55.
The very first Arab Oil Embargo of 1975 caused
very long lines at the gas pump when prices "shot" up
to.......get this. 55 CENTS a gallon!!!!!
Seems to be some sort of Numeralogical Caballah
theme going on here.
Lets see if this carries over to Friday......(or 8:00 PM Thursday)
Demonic eh?


  1. I drive 60 miles round trip to work, My husband drives 60 miles round trip in the opposite direction. We have to move, and I have to sacrifice a job I love for gas prices. It sucks! Peace, Jane

  2. The number needs to be rounded up! $3.56 (just sayin')

  3. I have to get gas before the end of the week and I know I'm going to get sticker shock at the pumps. I'm afraid it's going to get worse before it gets better, too. Ugh.

  4. if you can work a deal to get it down to 1.55 it would be much appreciated and please never celebratee $5.55

  5. The prices are indeed demonic and we are paying more than that here!!!

  6. You should start posting Friday's column at 8:55 p.m. on Thursdays.

  7. Wow you need to buy ghetto gas G man I got some yesterday for $3.39. I blame Glen Beck. Just because he needs to be blamed for something other than out of control arrogance.

  8. You think the price of petrol is bad there? We're paying £6 per gallon - I think that's about $9.50!

  9. I don't know if it's demonic, but it's certainly painful!

  10. Dude, sometimes I think I'll just move into a shack in a back wooded lots at Mom and Dad's.

    Chop and burn firewood. Plant a garden. Grow hops. Shoot moose.

    Drop out of the whole oil-burning mess.

    But can I pleeeeeze have Internet access in my shack?? :)


  11. you are such a tease time stamp
    Peace, hp

  12. It's creeping up here less than 2 weeks it went up 20 cents a litre. I think, comparison-wise, that it's about $3.78 a US gallon. Scary!

  13. oh how i wish i didn't need a car...
