Tuesday, March 1, 2011



I have a customer that was born the same year as my Mom.
Monday was the last day of some great incentives on
an Impala. This lady has arthritis and needed an oddball
option that is hard to find. She needed a car without a bucket
seat because then they put the shifter on the column, and it
is much easier for her to shift. After days of searching I finally
found one EXACTLY oufitted to her request!
To top it all off, this sale was the 5th one in the last two days
of the month, and it won me a special mgr. contest....
A trip to the Soaring Eagle Casino and 200 Bucks gambling money!
She was so elated that she brought me in a Dozen of her World
Famous Molasses Cookies.
I know it's not your everyday Oreo or Toll House Chocolate
Chip Cookie, but let me tell you they are to DIE for!!!!
She brought them in hot out of the oven, and this was all that
was left by the time it reached my office!!!
Thats OK, I'm a diabetic anyway.
Sorry for the ramble, but these old fashioned dark delights
drive me crazy.


  1. Congrats on the sale, and sorry everybody stole your cookies. Molasses cookies are to die for, especially hot out of the oven.:)

  2. They look so yummy (we goats love molasses)! You are such a great salesman.

  3. ...awe. A car salesman with a heart. You are too few and far between!

  4. A great day for you and your customer! You did a great job which made her happy and you got a reward - what could be better? :)

  5. So When are we going to go spend your bonus money?

  6. She was born the same year as you and she's still driving? (LOL!)

    Don't mind me, G-Man, I'm just jealous of those cookies!

    (Got Milk?)

  7. Hooray on your find for her! kudos.
    Yes those molasses cookies can be scrumptious! - and ginger snaps too which is what I thought of first
    from the picture! have a savory rest-of- the-week.

  8. What fabulous customer service, Galen - deserving of dark delights!

    Molasses cookies = scrumptious!

  9. Hey, G-Man, I didn't know you are diabetic. Does that cut into the beer consumption?

    I LOVE molasses cookies, all these fillings in my teeth --- blame those tasty baked goodies!


  10. ohm i few years ago i got a recipe for those and now they are a family favorite. so yummy! and congrats on the sale and bonus!
