Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Boxing Day.....

Sorry Monkey Man...I'm celebrating Boxing Day today!
I know what you're thinking..G-Mans NOT Canadian!
This is true, I do not belong to a commenweath nation...
But I drink enough Tim Horton's delicious coffee to be an
Honourary Canadian...Eh?


  1. You get MY vote, G-man. Especially when you spell things like "honourary" the *right* way. ;)


  2. Boxing Day is Mrs. MM's favorite holiday, so no hard feelings. Also, thanks for the plug.

  3. Greetings, you win the celebrate blogger of 2010 award in humor,
    runner up is short stories…

    The Celebrate Blogger of 2010 Awards

    Everyone gets The Celebrate Blogger of 2010 Award in Short Stories Honorable mention!

    Hope your day go well,
    Happy New Year!

  4. You are so cute and lovable aren't ya! Nice one, eh! My Boxing Day was spent watching "Despicable Me" and playing a last card game with the family. Cheers to you G!
