"The Behemoth will return to Earth on...
The 19th day of the month Kislev, in the year 5710.
He will charm the minions into obediance.
He will devour all the food in their larders.
He will then emit a foul wind destroying all living things."
And So It Is Written....
(Translated Date..December 10, 1949)
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the Oldest host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!
It's a great day for 55's Happy Birthday Galen
Go Leslie! It's your birthday, G-Man? How'd I miss that?
Mine is here.
kinda glad i wont be around when that happens...nice 55 g!
i am up...
Funny that the date of the translation coincided with your B-Day - HMMM
Oh yes yahtzee! - does that mean I get to pop the champagne for all of us to celebrate
Happiest to you G
Woohoo! Happy Birthday G. We love ya sweetie. I wrote a 55 in your honour today x
Oldest host from coast to coast, lol. You are nOTTTTTTTTTTTT. ha ha.
Mine isn't as creative. booo. And I didn't catch the birthday thing...but apparently...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! lol
Mine's here
happy birthday!! i forgot!! oh you wrote about me tonight, who told you i was eating fresh brocolli and emitting strong odors!!
Is that like farting? LOL. Hau'oli la Hanau Galan. Hope you have a great birthday. Mine is up HERE
The behemouth lives in my house and sleeps at the fot of my bed with his foul eminations. Guessing it was an early arrival.
My 55 is HERE .
Happy Birthday...
remarkable 55.
what a milestone,
another year,
Glad it falls perfectly on Friday and fits a 55 story.
mine is up.
Here come formal links: A 55 ENTRY,
Happy Birthday Wishes From Jingle To G-Man and More!
55 of Jingle
Certainly hope you have a happy birthday! Great 55. That devouring all the food sounds like Scarlet who growls to get everyone else away from the food.
My human has posted her 55 here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2010/12/09/bob-feller/
Your birthday?!? So glad I made it by so I could wish you a very happy day and a fabulous year.
PS - I couldn't quit cold turkey! Of course I *had* to do a 55. Mine is HERE.
Award/Treats 4 Poetic Friends of Jingle, Happy Thursday!
Wow, some award/treats for 55 friends of Jingle, including G-Man of course, ...I had headache in the morning, sorry that I could not stay online notifying all of you...
Stay Blessed,
Happy Friday!
Birthday? It's your birthday? Have a good one, G-Man!
Mine will be up in the morning!
So.... cosmic fart? :)
Mine is here
happy happy happy birthday
happy happy happy birthday
happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy
happy (yeah there are 55 of them) birthday to you!
Oh, my, what an ominous prediction. I am speechless. Enjoy all your b-day stuff tomorrow!
Happy Birthday G-Man...
Here is my 55, this time two..
--Someone is Special--
LOL, only you, my friend! hilarious as ever. since my kids finally relinquished my computer I was finally able to post my own 55 in honor of you, our fearless leader.
have a kick ass birthday, my friend!
here it is
I wasn't born til 1970, so I know it can't be me.
Although I do emit a foul wind sometimes.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Happy Birthday! Nice 55...
Mine is here.
Happy B-Day, G-man.
Wow, sounds like a prophecy about my husband...
Here's to a great weekend ahead---
Hauoli La Hanau! (That means happy birthday :)
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Happy Bday G! Hope you have a great day. I've got mine for you here.
is it really your birthday...? wish you all the best galen and great to know you - you are special!
here's my 55
I'm up!!
Hopefully I won't be here by 5710!
Which part of the bible or any other sacred book is that? It scares me...
Great one... Great Man
Mine is up
Happy weekend.
Happy birthday G!
What a prophecy!
Mine's up.
Oh Sorry Didn't know it's your birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Gallen....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to youuuuuuuuuuuu*
(((ooooeeeeee...........CHAMPAGNE OPENING))
Well, emit away on your birthday, G-man! Sending you positive vibes and a big virtual hug on this very special day!
Here's mine, which isn't really mine: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2010/12/gifted/
A little birdy told me that it is your birthday. No, wait! It was a big sh!t named Thom! Whoever, told me, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
55 Flash Fiction Friday ~ Busy!
Wondering just what I'll be when I come back from the dead in 3000 years.
Happy Birthday wishes from me too. And moondustwriter has champagne?!!!
Here is my 55
Is your birthday the reason they have all these pretty lights out round here? ;)
I 55'd
Have a blast on your birthday! Happy Birthday!
who hid that story for us to find
That is great! He'll charm them into obedience, he'll eat all their food. And, then comes the punch line. Very funny!
Here's mine:
I hope you'll stop by.
LOL...beware those foul winds!!!
Mine is HERE
In honor of your birthday I shall eat a bit of cake and savor a dish of ice cream. I'm cool like that.
I know a G, well not really, but sort of
If only through portraits and flash
Consistently reads when I write 55's
Comments are a hearty "Kick Ass"
Happy Birthday G-man!
"Race the Sunset" my 55 is here
Many Happy Returns of the day to Galen!
Happy Birthday to you!
gotta love a good fart prophecy!
55 on your 55? Really? Nostradamas
probably predicted that. Happy Birthday Galen. Is that your name?
Tell me the story behind that. That is a fabulous Name.
I'm up and off to work...
Lime spilled it on your real age...I don't care. You will always be 55 to me.
Dear Galen,
and many more to come! :))
That's some 55 this week. Enough to give me nightmares...
Lots of love G-daddy on your Birthday.
Oh yeah, my 55 is up.
I like that he ate EVERYTHING in the larder! I need to do that with all our cold weather! Good one Thanks-
Mine: http://izzy-conversing.blogspot.com/2010/12/friday-flash-fiction-55-121010.html
Happy Birthday gorgeous! Not sure I would want to smell that odor once it's released! Mine is up, have a great weekend!
Your 55 had me laughing out loud, Galen. My hubby's birthday was yesterday (which is why I'm late in posting my 55). I hope your day is as awesome as his was!
Happy Kick Ass Birthday!
My 55: miracle
You are definitely an original. :)
Sorry, but my last blog post was all I could muster today. Maybe I'll have a 55 next week.
Happy Birthday, Gman! I hope your day is wonderful, my fellow sagittarian!
You're all so very wonderful... now give me something to eat! (LOL!)
Another nifty five-fifty, G-Man!
P.S. Mine's up! FIRST SNOW
geeze, I hope I am off that day!!
mine is here: www.sobernuggets.blogspot.com
I won't mention your birthday--but I will say Sag's are the best. Beware being trapped in the larder with the foul wind of the behemoth--that happens here every Sunday before football and it can get scary.
Late to the party, but here's mine:
The Nightly News Zombie
Happy Birthday!
Overheard :)
A birthday? Have a happy one.
My Friday Flash 55 is not about the holidays....
Primal Therapy
hahahhaha... this was a super witty 55, G... I wonder exactly who wrote it though!! Your parents or the doc that had you delivered??? :)))
Wish you many many happy returns of the day, my dear Mr. G!!! Have a KICK-ASS weekend, and a SUPERB time!!! xoxoxo
Here is my 55 for this week.. I cried war though :(
I am so glad you made your debut on this earth, Galen! How would we have survived without your brilliant Flash 55 posts, among other things. It helps us get a great start to the weekends. Have a wonderful celebration.
Mine is at:
Happy Birthday Darling.
Happy birthday - and for you.. my 55 words ---
Happy Birthday! Wow, glad I wasn't around when it happened - good thing it was written. :)
Here's my 55 about my long lost 65
Birthday, eh? Hope it's a good one. Thanks again for hosting. I am here.
Drifted over from Lime's place. Happy birthday G-Man!
a birthday, eh? I musta missed that one! Happy Birthday G-Man!
Happy Birthday Grumpy..oh, I mean G-Man! What u can't stay up late to read my 55's...:D I promise to be nice to seniors today and get my 55up before 10pm eastern time!! I still luvs ya...
Seriously? Nostradamus? Confucius? Mark Twain?
I may get a 55 up for you ater all today. I hope!!
Check later.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And so writeth the Behemoth...
I sorta doubt I'll be around to see it!
Mine is up...d
happy birthday!
HAKAWE, Galen,
Fab Di
mine is posted if not "up"
Hey, again G-Man!
I edited in a special new Blue Bunny photo for you in the post.
Now my life is complete!!
Happy belated birthday!! Hope you had a great one.
Belated birthday wishes G, may all your dreams come your way as you had wished!
Good Morning,
Hope that you have had a lovely birthday, G-man!
You are mentioned at
Sunday News Dispatch At Jingle Poetry
Come take a peek, welcome join us at potluck week 14, any old poems are fun, ignore if you are not ready.
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