The Full Moon reflects off of the rippling water.
Gently illuminating long, golden, perfect legs.
Red toes wiggle with delight on one end
Volcanic intensity erupts on the other.
Eruptions to quiet a day long ache.
Eruptions for her lover's sake.
Will the fever ever slake?
As long as two hearts beat as one...
There will be Lusting, Yearning, Passion....Fun!!!
The very talented folks over at One Stop Poetry,
Hosts a fun little deal called One Shot Wednesday!
I'm very close to learning how to link up, so please be patient!
I'm certainly no poet, but Brian Miller and MoonDustWriter are such loyal supporters of Friday Flash 55, that I thought I'd better throw an entry or two their way.
Jeez, the next thing ya know I'll be doing Monkey Man's Sunday 160.
Oh well.........."Quid Pro Quo Clarice...Quid Pro Quo!"
I miss our James Goodman when I yahtzee! :(
Galen I have a birthday post for Mark at my blog, which you may like to read!
And you certainly know how to do better than THAT with poetic form!
So what you are saying Mona that this SUCKED?
Spank You very much!
yay! way to rock it g!
explosions eh? smiles.
sounds like a hot night tonight...
thanks for linking up to one shot!
dont listen to her g...if you caused explosions your form is perfect...lol
Bri - I am blushing
G- sounds like poetry to me - albeit sensuous
Thanks for posting on One Shot Wednesday
smiles from the Moon
Thanks for joining the One Shot party, G-Man. Appreciate you posting poetry. Excellent.
Wow, G-Man! This is fantastic!
Nice toes!
Ooohhh, very hot, G-Man!
Wow, G-Man! Thanks for the Tuesday Toes! Mine is up!
Fab Di
Hey, I could have used your picture of toes in my Red and White blog. Then maybe if I added a wordless poem, I could play two games at once? :) Wait....I'm confusing myself.
Well, bottom line is I love your poem.
Now THAT is a nice way to end a day :)
If you write the you are a "writer" you've written a poem so therfore you're a poet - even if you don't want to be!
"As long as two hearts beat as one...
There will be Lusting, Yearning, Passion....Fun!!!"
Fabulous please keep writing poems
sultry. you even got the U2 song reference in there. Nice.
You did a great job on that Galen!
Where did you get that picture of my feet? ;)
Seriously, g-man, that was great stuff. Rated R, too. Nice! :)
quite the lusty bit of writing,g-man! nicely done :)
Hoo! Hot under the collar or what? Just gonna go and jump in a river now! :P
The only thing I can say is I am glad I do not have a foot fetish G-man because you have lovely feet.
great job g-man, hope to play friday!!
hmm, pass me the nail varnish...I'll help get some more heat going... I do poetry for fun rather than publication so for this week only, I’ve nervously posted an example from each of my blogs: an Elegy from Scribbles and Diversions, a Gogyohka from Random Twitter Stories, and free verse poem from Random Short Stories.
YES!!! YES!!!!
Fun there will be!!! lol lol
laughing smiles,
you certainly have the talent on poetry,
beautiful writing here...
way 2 go!
thats a nice one :) well written :)
yeah - this rocks - and red toes wiggle with delight...
Oi, hot stuff! I like it. :) Worth a wander down to the dock for that one, I'd say.
G-Man, this is HOT!!! You are a poet!
Ah summer love erupting and spewing all over the place like a volcano -- red, hot, poetry.
Nice work there G-Man.
sensuous and sizzling! the perfect recipe for good poetry! neat one, this!
sensuous and sizzling! the perfect recipe for good poetry! neat one, this!
You really do like feet...
Very cool that you've joined the fun at One Stop, and indeed, Brian and Moonie are the ginchiest.
hi g-man and thanks for trying out One Shot and heck you did yourself proud...been away for a week so busy catching up and reading..good poem..cheers Pete
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