Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thursday Portrait.....


Unlike some of the other jobs that I've had in my eons on this planet, once in a while you meet people that just break the mold. I sold an Impala to a very nice couple, Jim and Kim. They had been treated very shabbily at several other dealerships, but for some reason we just hit it off famously! Usually it's the sales consultant's duty to send a Thank You...And I ALWAYS do! But about two weeks after the sale, I came into work and this envelope with a Home-Made Card and some CD's were inside. The music was very diverse and interesting, and it included a burned DVD. The movie was a very odd choice, but it certainly made me think of something else thats of interest to me...Can you guess what?
See Ya Friday....


  1. ha. see what service gets you! way to go g-man! locaked and loaded, ready to go tomorrow!

  2. Nice!! You obviously made an impression! :)

    I haven't even come up with a Theme Thursday post yet, and here we are almost time to do a 55. I don't know how Brian keeps up this pace!! I am faltering!

    I will hopefully rustle up 55somethings...stay tuned. :)

  3. Ha! you are so funny some~all of the time....
    I was worried what that DVD was gonna say by the look on your face...

  4. Hmmm lemme guess. Oh yeah. I'm ready to go as well. Some great folks. :)

  5. Mine's been on deck all week.

    Just one more reason to say, "Hurry up, Friday!"

  6. What a lovely gesture! But then you're a very nice man. ;)

    Mine's ready but thanks for the reminder.

  7. that was so-oo sweet and cool of that couple. you must have really showed them what "real" service is!!! lol

    have a kickin' one Galen!

  8. you get more flies with honey as they say...not to call your peeps flies but you know what i mean. My little fly brain is buzzin and it should be a go for tomorrow! %)

  9. Peking Duck?

    I love that movie...and honest, cool, vehicle sales-folk!

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

  10. Dad sold Buicks for almost 40years, had many customers that were repeat business..because they trusted him..

  11. G-Man--I do not have a clue, clue, clue, clue...ooops! as to what David Niven has to do with anything--grin!

    Terrific 55...way to start a kick-ass weekend, Mr G!!!

    Mine is HERE

  12. BOY!!! DID I screw up? This I thought--was 55 for Friday...didn't see the Wednesday. SORRY about that Mr G. (Age, ya know? Oh, that's right! YOU do not know anything about that yet...AGE!)

  13. What a great story. It's so nice to have your belief in the good in people reaffirmed.:)

  14. I would totally send a thank you to my dealer (car) if I liked him that much!

  15. well aside from the good thing of making a sale how nice was it to get the acknowledgement like that. you rock and so do jim and kim!
