A Mr. George 'Stumpy' Calhoun from Key Largo Florida asks...
"Dear Mr. Knowitall, Please help settle an argument between me and my friend 'Lefty'. I say that Sharks kill and injure the most people in America every year. He claims that Bears do! We are counting on you to help settle a bet...A dinner at The Old Country Buffet is resting on YOU! Can you help us out"?
Dear Stumpy, of course I can! But you may not like the results...
For most people, few things evoke more fear than suddenly seeing yourself surrounded by a bunch of circling Shark Fins, or hiking along a trail and encountering an angry bear rearing up on it's hind legs. But in actuality, these occurances are very rare, but they make for great movie excitement and media hype. If the truth be known, there are only about 10 Shark attacks a year in the U.S., and even less Bear attacks!
By contrast you are TEN TIMES more likely to be trampled or maimed by ole Bossy or Elsie the Cow. More than 100 people a year are accidently killed by these Bovine Beauties. And the biggest animal killer of them all?...BAMBI!!!!!!
Each year deer running out in front of you on the highway, kills more people than Snakes, Gators, Bears, Sharks, and Spiders...COMBINED!
So I'm sorry that you aren't going to enjoy The Buffet on Lefty, but chances are there is a fresh road kill deer on a highway very near to you right as we speak.
Thanks Stumpy, good question!
Mr. Knowitall grows weary, I bid you adieu.
i can believe it with as many deer as there are in our area....
Deer certainly do menace the road travelers, as well as their gardens and orchards.
Deer me. Must be vendetta for all the hunters.
Karma. We've taken far too much of their territory.
Thankfully only my car was hurt by a deer...I guess I'll think twice before I go cow tippin! ;)
Who would have thought. Is that where they coined the phrase "fresh meat"?
Hmmm. I like cows and deer. Who knew they were homicidal? About those pictures -- I think I've worked for all of them (except Bambi).:)
And along with that fresh road kill Bambi...there's probably a bonus--a human kill right nearby!
Ugh! now WHY did I have to go and write that dumb thought?
you know i am glad to hear you clear that up. i just posted an update on my end of town in cyber space, hope to get to friday this week just been crazy busy round here.
That cow's scary! :0
mooooooooooooving post.
And there is the reason we eat more beef and deer than we do shark and bear.
My hiking buddies are afraid of mountain lions, which don't kill anyone around here but hide from us!
i have absolutely no doubt as to the truth of this in the USA.
worldwide though it's the malaria carrying mosquito which kills the most people.
Well... We ain't talking worldwide are we?
When you tell somebody not from Michigan there are deer whistles you can mount on your front bumper to warn nocturnal deer you are coming- they don't believe you!
How many are killed each day by domesticated licensed textignoramousi and phonelignoramousi? Watch out for them they're everywhere.
I can see deer in my nearby woods,
lovely post1
Hey I thought I was looking through my family album for a sec there...
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