A Mr. D.B. Cooper from Walla Walla Washington asks...
'Dear Mr. Knowitall, I've been (ahem) laying low for a while, and I'm about to do some extensive travelling. I've heard the saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", but could you give some advice of the "Do's and Dont's" practiced in countries around the world?
Dear D.B., of course I can!
ARGENTINA: People tend to stand very close to one another. If you back away from someone, they'll assume that your shy and close the gap. OR, they may be offended at your rudeness.
AUSTRIA: Cut your food with a fork. To use a knife implies the food is tough and unappealing.
BRAZIL: Brazillian woman can be very sexually aggressive. It's not uncommon for a woman to send a note to a man in a restaurant asking for his phone number...Even if he's with a wife or girlfriend!
BULGARIA: In this country, shaking your head no actually means yes. Nodding means no.
CZECH REPUBLIC: Raising your voice damages your credibility. You would be considered a buffoon.
DENMARK: NEVER compliment other peoples clothing. It's considered too intimate.
FIJI: Wearing a hat is considered disrespectful.
AUSTRALIA: Please don't say "G'day Mate"! Avoid talking about convicts (former penal colony) and 'Crocodile Dundee. It's condescending.
EGYPT: Don't add salt to a meal. It's insulting to the cook, implying the food is lousy.
FRANCE: Bread will be waiting for you on the table in restaurants, but don't eat it until the main course arrives. It's NOT an appetizer-It's meant to accompany meals.
(It's hard to believe that you can offend anyone that rarely bathes, pisses on the street, and thinks Jerry Lewis is a comedy icon.)
SINGAPORE: Chewing gum, jaywalking, spitting, littering, and not flushing a public toilet, are not only considered rude. It carries a $500 dollar fine. PER OFFENSE!
SOUTH KOREA: NEVER point to anyone to beckon them to 'come here'. Instead, extend your arm palm down, and wiggle your fingers downward.
Good question D.B., I hope this helped you out.
Mr. Knowitall grows weary...I bid you good night.
you have prevented untold problems in international relations with this handy little primer. thanks, mr. knowitall!
i am now ready to take on the world...anything i need to know before i go down to the store? lol
So, where IS D.B.? I know he's not in Walla Walla. I could use the reward money if you'd like to give me a little hint.:)
Although I knew some of these, most of them were unknown to me and quite interesting.
If you're eating with someone from the Middle East, don't use your left hand for anything unless you have to. It's the hand you're supposed to wipe yourself with so it's unsanitary.
As a woman, don't look a Middle Eastern man in the eye, he'll think you're sexually attracted to him and being forward.
*huggles the G-man all up!*
Just come to Detroit DB as long as yoou bring cash, you will offend no one.
I think that I'll just stay home!
So does that mean in North Korea they palm up and wave fingers up? That may be only the middle finger?? LOL
Global etiquette all in one column. Wow, didn't even have to add water! Thanks!!
fun fine post.
thank you for the cool blog and absolutely positive feedback!
If ever I visit any of those countries I'll bear your advice in mind. ;)
I did not know the bulk of that info! I have dealt with Japanese in business, and they have a number of protocols you had better follow.. their business card exchange is huge- presented two handed, received same way, do not treat it lightly. It is to be put into a holder, not a pocket, and don't clean your teeth with it! Bring pens, pins, small gifts to exchange- they will!
Ha! you forgot pilots, I looked up portable urinals before I read your post (for females), and pilots do it in the cockpit in a plastic bottle, some even have a solid absorbent in a plastic disposable liner!
G-Man, You have plenty of rabid fans, I mean friends, to miss little old me
Fab Di
Wow, this was really interesting! Good to know for my future travel plans!
You make me smile. :)) A lot!
lovely post!
Happy Thursday!
Enjoy your friendship and company...
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