Thursday, April 22, 2010

Friday Flash 55.....

The heater on the tour bus had broken down, and it was freezing!!
Frustrated and miserable, Buddy decided to charter a plane for the gig in Minnesota. The Beechcraft only held four including the pilot, and Waylon had already given up his spot for J.P.
Ritchie looked at Tommy..."I'll flip ya for the seat".

Waylon Jennings was a guitar player for Buddy Holly as a member of The Crickets.
J.P. Richardson was known as The Big Bopper.
Tommy Allsup was also a member of The Crickets.
Ritchie Valens had NEVER flown before... He won the toss!
Don McLean called February 3, 1959..."The Day The Music Died".
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55,
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


  1. How quickly life turns on a dime.

    Cranking up the volume, over here!

  2. Conversation for one, second to none... brought to us this week by Mojo.

  3. I just saw La Bamba last weekend.
    Here's my 55: CANE

  4. Bye-Bye Miss American Pie...
    Drove my (427 big block) Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry...

    And we'll always wonder... what if?

    I was gonna say I'm up, but I see I've been Yahtzeed. Thanks Ti!

  5. haha. and I wonder who wins. Buddy Holly? I wasn't born yet! lol. I've posted mine too.

  6. a haunting 55 time to be glad to lose a flip.

    my 55 is up!

  7. I remember the movie and loved the song as a kid. We could cover quite a few miles listening to that one. Great job, friend.

    Here's my dude on the beach.

  8. Oooh...that one gave me shivers. Such a sad story, so much lost all in one moment!

    Mine is now up...

  9. Good one, gotta go la bamba, mine is up, and just as sad.


    HAKAWE yourself Galen
    Fab Di

  10. I'm too young to remember, but I think dad has some of that music.
    Here's more Yes Man: ONE

  11. In 55 words, you made me think, made me sort of sad, AND you put a wonderful song in my head.

    Thanks again for another Friday 55. :)
    Mine's posted here!

  12. How ironic was that. Win the toss and lose your life.

    My 55: Communication

  13. Nice little piece that really makes you stop and think. Life is fleeting and Fate is a temperamental mistress.

  14. Mr. G -
    I remember this happening. So sad. Just one more thing that reminds me how fragile life is. We best make the most of each moment, right?

    My 55 is posted.


  15. I had no idea Waylon Jennings got around so much.

    Mine is here.

  16. And a very sad day it was, the day the music died. Don McClean's lyrics rank as some of the best ever, in my book.

    I like this 55 very much indeed. It seems to fit my mood. Maybe it's this chilly night that has me blue. It's freezing!

    But my 55 is up. Have a nice weekend.

  17. The day music died indeed - touching tribute, G-man. It was before my time, but I remember seeing it in the La Bamba movie.

    My 55 is The Pages of Every Book

  18. so tragic, the way the music died! your 55 said it all, conveying just how simply the decision was made...way to go, g-man!

    mine is up :)

  19. That was a sad history lesson. Talent gone in a flash
    my Flash 55 is at

  20. It's me again- 4am, and what has just come from my flying fingers? 55 words, totally unsought! Has to be a sign, I'd say...
    probably of impending doom - or do I mean madness? :)

  21. "the day music died" Such a hunting phrase!
    My 55 is now up!

  22. Wow. What a 55. The day the music died.
    Well, I'll have something on a much lighter note posted tonight after midnight Pacific time.

    My 55 is here

  23. Oh, the fickle finger of fate. I remember that day well. Good job, G-Man. And I learned something.
    I never knew Waylon Jennings was a member of the Crickets.

    My 55 is up here.

  24. Didn't know the back story on that plane crash. My 55 is up. You can find it HERE.

  25. What a tragic turn for rock and roll. Wonder what Buddy Holly would have done...if he would have gone country or not.

    My 55 is here

  26. Hello! Or "Hell-Oh"? Yep, G-man I recall that 1959 date, but had forgotten specifics, i.e. names, etc.
    Thanks for that memory.

    A memory of mine is

  27. The way life falls can be cruel or lucky. Nicely done.
    You'll find mine here.

  28. Well, that's a powerful and thought-provoking 55... Very sad, too. /Jo.

    My 55 this week is called "Red eye". You are all welcome to check it out.

  29. Sad? YOU? Not used to this...

    Mine is up. And is not sad

    Nice weekened

  30. Used some of Buddy Holly lyrics to make this week's story up. Read the illustrated story Have a great weekend.

  31. Boddy Holly...Oh, my yes! I still love his music to this day. Now I'm awake, I shall go on a few visits, and you're dead right about incontinence! I'll take insomnia any day.LOL :)

  32. The day the music went down the tubes. Well done my friend. Mine is up HERE. Have a great Friday :)

  33. The way you tell it in your 55 brings out just how tragic that plane crash was. "I'll flip ya for the seat". Chilling!

    You'll find mine in this post: Stuck in the Mud

  34. that was a sad day Galen and it was the day that real music died.
    I'm posted and ready to be read thanks for stopping by if you all decide to heres the link just click it and your there you won't be sorry.

    Sightings of captain Hook

    Thanks Larry

  35. that was a sad day Galen and it was the day that real music died.
    I'm posted and ready to be read thanks for stopping by if you all decide to heres the link just click it and your there you won't be sorry.

    Sightings Of Captain Hook

    thanks larry

  36. Bye, bye Miss American Pie...

    This was very nicely done.

    Mine is up:

    One of these day's I'll figure out how to post a link. Sorry.

  37. As soon as I saw your day's cover graphic I knew what the subject was gonna be...this was quite poignant eye opener and a bit of historical fact. Great job!!!!

    Here's mine...last week, Sunrise, this week SUNSET

  38. fabulous drama,
    but in 55 words only,
    how mind-blowing!

  39. All in the toss of a coin! Such a sad day in history... a hauntingly sad 55!
    I have posted a 55

  40. My 55 may be found here.....


  41. thanks for the trivia info. some of it i had "heard through the grapevine" -- i know it has nothing to do with what you've

    i'm working on mine -- hopefully later...

  42. we just never know do we?

    i played again this week

  43. okay...i'm up.
    have a great one G-Man!

  44. Never knew that about Waylon're a fountain of arcane information Galen.

  45. Strange how funny life is right?
    Flip ya.. I always hate that. LOL

    Great Morning, Mr. G.

    Mine is here

    Have a FANTASTIC FRIDAY now!

  46. Really nice. They did Don Mclean's America Pie on the radio the other day, with commentary throughout the song with all of the references and allusions. I'd never heard it in that level of detail before. Pretty cool. My 55 is up at Have a great weekend!


  47. Great 55 G! I just saw Dion yesterday on HBO...ok, I'm ready to fly with my 55. :)

  48. Yes it was a great loss that day..
    thanks for the reminder.

    my 55 is up

  49. It was indeed a sad day. My 55 has death written all over it as well, but in a far different way.

    Posthumously Yours

    Good to be back with my 55ers.

  50. hey g-man, not trying to bog you down (i've been here already today) but ever since i read your 55, my mind has brought back so many songs from that wonderful time. i'm a child of the 70's, turning 13 years old in april (thanks for the shout out on the 11th) of that year, my music likings probably differing from what you cut your teeth on BUT, lyrics from a few years before that are filling my head and i'm surprised at how many songs i can sing along with! you made my day and i just wanted you to know it :)

  51. Nice 55 G-man. And I´m up today!

    Have a great weekend. :-)

  52. This was a very sad day for the music industry and for fans everywhere.

    Mine is up at:

  53. What an eerie remembrance. Very good! I really enjoyed this!

    My FF-55 is up, too, at

    First I had to wrap my head around the fact this was Friday. I can't believe how fast this week has gone!

    Have a good weekend!

  54. Fate has a lot to answer for. :(

    My 55 is up too.


    an award for you.

  56. In a rush (what else is new)? Mine is up! D

  57. Too sad! Wonderfully writ! Thank you for sharing your brilliant F55!
    Mine is considerably silly, as usual. Trying for light. Confessions of a moon brat! I was shown how to add the link to my post, but am on a fast track to (hm???) busy~ness and haven't implemented it yet!
    Have a kick ass week Mr. G!
    I posted on

  58. Lovely and sad G-Man. I am going to give this challenge a whirl. Check mine out over here,

  59. how sad..a coin toss decided lives..thoughtful post --mine's up! Have a great weekend! c

  60. You are a master at the deep, as well as the lighter stuff. I am humbled to know you.

    And Mr. G-Knowing-All-G-man, I am still trying to catch up with the Thursday Poetry Rally Festers, so I did not 55 today.

    But... when I do post my next 55 it will not only be for you but ABOUT you!! Yes, indeed, your words on my blog the day have set my whiring brain all a-twirling.

    Now... if you want to hear me singing my song about when I had a a wedgie on my wedding day, pop on over to Funster Town and see me and the band in all our wedgified glory. That's my web offering for today. :)


  61. G-Man,
    You are getting funny and lovely,
    Thank you for behaving like a 29 year old woman in my place, in this case, I treat you as a blogging buddy and love your young and playful spirits.

    Welcome to Jingle-Land!

  62. I love this. I'm a massive Buddy Holly fan. My birthday is strangely enough on the 3rd of Feb. I went to see where the plane came down a few years back on the anniversary of his death and my birthday. Also went to a concert at the Surf Ballroom where my friend Bobby Vee was playing.

    A trip I will NEVER forget.
