Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thursday Portrait.....

There always seems to be something hanging over my head on these Thursday Portraits, but I just can't put my finger on what. I'll think of it....

I seem to be on this 'Femme Fatale' kick lately on my Friday 55's. I wonder where THAT inspiration is coming from? Hey Thats IT! Thursday is the day BEFORE Friday Flash 55!
(Friday Flash 55 is where you pen a story that has a Plot, and a Central Character, and it is EXACTLY 55 words.)
( Although, since I am the most gracious host from coast to coast, I accept ALL entries of any format...:-) )

Aaahh Shaddup! You'll be my age someday...IF YOUR LUCKY!!!!!

See Ya Tomorrow...Peace!!!


  1. LOL...It took me just a minute or so to find the reference this week LOL. Well done. Mine is scheduled to go. I wasn't going to do it but then thought...I can't miss this :) Have a great day tomorrow. Oh and again, Susan, if she remembers is suppose to do my link for me :)

  2. Thom, this might sound do mean another Susan, right? LOL

    G-Man I have one sceduled to go up but another that I'm thinking of replacing it with. To the best 55 goes the spoils, I say.

    Can't wait for Friday (well, Thursday cuz it makes posting here SO much easier!

  3. Hey Susan...Thats sooo funny because I have a replacement 55 ready as well...We'll see.

    Thom...Thats what you get for having 10 blogs!!

  4. G-Man -I switched to my new one. You might want to sit back and light one up to get through it...LOL ;) 10 blogs Thom? Jeeze Louise! It's all I can do to keep one going :)

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog.. I'm not forgetting Friday.

    i am having so much fun and hopefully the mental activities will keep me from getting Alzheimer..

    Your 55 last friday was amazing..

  6. That balloon's damned scary looking! It does have one redeeming quality, though -- it's pink.:)

  7. yer creepin me out the way yer looking at me...or maybe it's the way the balloon is leering.

  8. This is more fun than finding the Playboy bunny in the cover.

  9. Hey Galen!!

    I'm posting my 55 on Elegantblessings from now on, AKAnnie is down for the time being....Unlike Thom, I can multi-task, but having 2 now is as far as it goes!!

    Hopefully the effects of the anesthesia will wear off enough that I can write one!! lol

  10. what a cheeky little face. no, not you, the balloon, heee heee heeee. see ya tomorrow!

  11. I thought I saw dollar signs on those balloons eyes...:D I'm putting on my thinking cap right now! See ya tomorrow...

  12. Hi, Galen! I'm already as old as you are--probably older!

    Well, my Friday 55er is up. I'm at the Punta Gorda library and thought I'd better get it posted as I probably won't make it in tomorrow. Enjoy. D

  13. hey ... that looks like me!!!
    hopefully i'll have something up tomorrow...

  14. love the balloon kinda looks like an exwife looks close anyway. I'm ready to post now but I'll wait until somewhere between elevenish or midnight after all 2morrow is Friday right?

    The Fate Of Sitting Bull"

    Thanks Galen for all the words of wisdom when it comes to your comments On This Blog Of Mine. Their appreciated too.

  15. It's almost Friday and I'm dry -- will do my best however. That's a handsome man behind btw LOL.

    Bossy bus drivers. Hmph.

  16. I see a balloonhead. Is that kind of like a bobblehead in disguise? A bit of a self-portrait above you?

    Mine is ready and up. Please say a prayer when you read it, for my son and anyone else in need.

    Friday Flash 55 ~ Wounded Bird

  17. is that taken at work?
    oh man, i can just picture
    you doing arts and crafts
    in your office,
    followed by
    the thursday photoshoot...
    and everyone at the office saying,
    "oh, Galen's just doing
    his weekly ad for the 55..."

  18. Although it's now Friday at my end, I couldn't bear to break up the fun on my bog, by posting a 55 - It would seem a lot of funny poets have crawled out of the woodwork, and I don't want to put a dmaper on their inspiration. :)
