Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bright and Brisk........

Whew...Aren't you glad the Holiday's are over?
Other than having a little extra time off, the money seemed to be FLYING out of my pocket!! On the bright side, I refused to charge any gifts on my credit card..YAY!

This is me outside today...A balmy 14 degrees with a wind chill of -5!!
Tomorrow morning is my postponed surgery. I'm curious as to how coherent TMI Tuesday will be...Hahahahaha.



  1. Good luck with your surgery. It's brisk and bright in Philly too. Brrrr...BTW my husband was rolling at that eggnog picture. Hmm, I don't think I had any this year. Bring back the holidays, I want my eggnog, LOL

  2. The history of EGGNOG? YIKES!! YUCK!! :)

    Good luck with your surgery. Prayers go with you.


  3. No wonder I love eggnog ROFLMAO!! -5 I'd be dead LOL. Good luck with the surgery tomorrow :)

  4. ha, love the eggnog cartoon...

    will keep you in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow gman! it will go great!

  5. Brrr, it IS c-c-cold isn't it?!?

    Good luck tomorrow.

  6. ok to a real macho cold weather man i sound like a baby but it is freakin cold in peach land at 19! hey what is going on?(surgery)

    and yes I am glad the holidays are over I just wish winter was now!!

    Love playing my wii!

  7. Good luck with the surgery, G-Man! We'll all be thinking about you.

  8. It didn't get that much warmer than that here, either. Yuck! And they call this global WARMING? Good luck tomorrow, thoughts will be with you.:)

  9. yeah baby it's cold outside! Best wishes on that surgery!

  10. my prayers will be with you. best wishes tomorrow. i'll be anxious to hear how you're doing.


  11. H-h-h-h-here's h-h-h-h-hoping the s-s-s-s-urgery g-g-g-goes s-s-s-so w-w-w-well, y-y-y-you w-w-w-on't c-c-c-care h-h-h-ow c-c-c-c-old it is! jeNN

  12. prayers that you get through the procedure well. procedure is the new term for surgery, it sounds less invasive you know!! hey i missed ya for a couple of weeks good to see you ain't frost bit yet!! it is like a degree here. imagine that a cold winter!! colder then a witches tit in a brass bra i tell ya!!

  13. Is this THE surgery blogged about before Christmas? I can't remember back that far, and that was before I knew you on a first name basis.

    Ooo Kaaaay, just do everything they tell you,and call back with questions later...and use ice, with all that snow ice should not be a problem....

    FYI, I drove west for a hike on the coast in 72 degree sunshine...
    warmer than home! Check blog.

    Good luck Galen,
    Fabulous Di

  14. Good luck with the surgery tomorrow m'deario I'll send you some Reiki for a quick recovery. xx

  15. Get Vicodan ES Galen. The next post will be real coherent, really really coherent.

  16. I wish you the best on your surgery! I thought we were cold here but it isnt quite that cold...But it sure does feel like it...Cant wait for Spring!

  17. Good luck, G-man. Looking forward to TMI.

  18. Saying a prayer for you and your doctors smooth steady hands. Cold here too, doggy loves it!

  19. Your ass will be cold in that tie in the back nightie they put on you.. Hope all goes well- for real, my friend..

  20. Snowing here. Wish I were home by the fireplace instead of at the office.

  21. Chilly chilly... Maybe that's better weather for a surgery.

    My peace and blessings go with you there,... but I'll wait outside right?
    Great you did not have to make use of your credit card!

    And... Great photos
    And... GOOD LUCK
    And... hugs from The CAnaries- Long armssss.......

  22. Same here. Plus 14 inches of snow so far.

    That eggnog cartoon is hysterical. Or, maybe I'm just snow-drunk.

  23. hahaha I love the eggnog cartoon! I hope your surgery went well. I guess I'll find out how good the drugs are while reading tomorrow's post. ;-)

  24. Just in time to wish you the best of luck on your surgery, Galen!

  25. Surgery? Postponed? Sheesh, see what happens when a girl disappears for a couple months?

    Sending you love and hopes of a quick recovery.

  26. And THAT is why I've never tried eggnog.

    Hey G-Man, I've seen you around on the bloggernet. Hi, hope you are healing well.

