As a kid we didn't have a real fireplace to hang our stockings from, but we did have a 'Fireplace Kit' complete with lighted dancing card board logs and flames!
This fireplace is in pristine condition, as you can tell from the vividly red color of the cardboard bricks...:-)
BTW...I went to the Dr. today about my ass. I gotta tell you it freaks you out when the first words out of a 60 year old Dr.s mouth is......."Oh MY, you need to see a Surgeon ASAP"! It seems that I have a 'Ridgeline' of boils of different degrees of depth, so they need to be cut, scraped, and sutured. And guess when this is happening?...9:30 AM on Thursday December 10th!!!
Somebody's 60th Birthday....
Happy Fuckin Birthday to me!!!
Thank You Everyone again for your well wishes and support....G
First, let me say how much it blows that you have to spend your b-day under anesthesia. You'd think the doc could have picked a better day! You do what they say, though, take your time recuperating, and concentrate on feeling better.
Now. About the cardboard fireplace. You still HAVE that? You have one of those barely navigable mazes of "stuff" in your basement, don't you? Amazing. Just amazing. By the way, you can get a very nice electric fireplace these days, made out of real wood and everything.:-)
I am having shots in my hamstring tendons that day...want to commiserate together? =8-0
The first half of your birthday will just blow you away. The second...maybe not so' I'll pray for your doctor.
the fake fireplace is a hoot. never saw such a thing.
the medical news is not funny at all. i'm sorry that's how you have to spend your birthday. but we're going to expect it to be a success and therefore a gift of restored health.
great big hugs. i'll be with you in spirit.
OMG!! We had one of those for 2 years when I was a kid. After that..I dunno..the dog ate it or something. lol Jezzuz...I hadn't seen one of those in a very long time...thanks for the memory jolt.
I make it a habit to stay the hell away from ass doctors...and now you KNOW why!
(Good luck though. And Happy Freaking Birthday...xoxoxox)
Happy retro Holiday with the true ambiance of electric yule.
I was going to make some smart remarks but I really feel bad for ya dude. At least you won't EVER forget this birthday huh?
Hang in there.jeNN
oh my gosh!! are you going to do a 55 on butt boils? (that was a joke) hope it wasn't too inappropriate.
i will really pray for speedy and painless recovery my brother. i will also pray you do not fret too much over it and know that it will feel better, this is something that will help you.
can i borrow your fire place?
OMG...what a way to celebrate a birthday .... and especially number 60...OMG...you poor thing. If they find 55 of them maybe your story can be of that....YIKES!!!!
oh sh*%, on your birthday?!?!?!?!?! damn! but once it's done it's done, right? crossing toes and fingers all goes well and you get back to super-healthy in no time! and please be careful with that fireplace! a flameable fireplace, that's kinda funny, heee heee heeee
I wish I could say I don't know how you feel and I ain't talking about the fireplace either.
anesthesia...the wonder of the gods.
you know i got a speeding ticket on m 17th birthday...i'd take a speeding ticket any day over...i do hope you have a speedy recovery or miraculous healing that keeps it from ever having to happen...
Sculpin, Sorry to hear about your ass. When I broke my ankle yeas ago, they operated on it on by birthday. I have been nursing a sore back for the last 5 days. I guess this is what we should expect at our age. Happy Birth Day G. You know I've always look up to you, being much older and wiser than I. Fish On
I am so sorry that you have to have surgery on your birthday. Hopefully someone will be there to give you some TLC.
i have never seen a kit like that...interesting.
now...OMG! i'm glad you're getting it taken care of. i hope you have a speed recovery, and in case you don't read this until after your bday -- "Happy Birthday Galen!"
best wishes always!
Yikes, G-Man! I hope that it makes you feel a little better to know that I'm thinking about your ass!
Im sorry you have to spend your 60th bday getting cut scraped and sutured, but look on the bright side after it heals you'll be able to sit without all the pain. I agree though they could have picked a different day. We didnt have a fireplace either and we didnt have a kit although one of my girlfriends family did. But we did have a sterio/radio fireplace which Mr Gab and I still have. although right now its in the garage. That darn thing is heavy. we also have to find a replacement for the rotating logs.
Happy Birthday G-man! Not the best way to spend your birthday...but probably not the worst :o)
I'm thinking you'll get good drugs!
Wishes for a speedy recovery. We'll all be praying for your ass!
Oh my that's not a very nice birthday present for you but hopefully it will make you more comfortable.
Welcome to the 60's! :)
OMG What a hideous birthday present, ass surgery. You're starting off the 60's with a bang!
But, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I hope it's a great year coming up!
Meanwhile, I'm ROFLMAO at that "realistic fireglow effect" and "simulated logs"! The dancing Santa's a hoot too.
Good luck tomorrow: I hope everyone takes good care of your ass. Literally.
Happy birthday! Hope they do a good job re-bushing your ass... My parents had the aluminum tree with the colored light wheel in the sixties..I heard they are quite valuable now..
Don't forget to "cover your ass."
I remember those fake fireplaces. I even thought they were so cool.
Silly Haiku
Oh it pains me to hear about your ass! I imagine that I could use a little scraping myself! LOL!
damn G you sure know how to ruin a good birthday! reckon you'll be sitting easy for a couple weeks...take care and do what the good docs tell ya! here's to a nice smooth recovery my friend......
((notice i'm not commenting on the 60 part - - i'm tooooooo close!))
lol lol
Oh my gosh, a childhood friend of mine had one of these sitting around the basement. I'm telling you, this particular brain cell/ memory hasn't fired in a longggggg time!
Sorry to hear you are being boiled in your own pudding. Wishing you a speedy recovery, G Man!
Realistic fire glow effect. That's very funny.
We had the same fake fireplace as a kid! Cool to see that again.
Oh, no!
What an awful thing to have to go through.
Sorry to hear you're in pain. I've had similar problems myself, and I know it's no fun at all. :(
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