A Chevrolet Ad brochure from 1961.
Unfolded it's a map with points of interest for each of the contiguous 48 States.
Inside, they have a section that has a few 'On the Road' games to play. One of the games is called..."Beaver". Every time you see a Chevy on the road, you yell Beaver!
The first kid to reach 10 Beavers wins...I can't stop laughing!
You just never know what Mr Know It All is gonna show us next!
Suzay-Cue...Is that You?
You haven't Numero Uno'd in a Coons Age!
My folks had a '61 Chevy, except theirs wasn't a convertible. We weren't allowed to yell anything in it, though.:)
Leaving *alone* the unfortunate name of the kids' game...
How long would it take to spot 10 chevys these days? I wouldn't think you'd get out of the neighbourhood before somebody won!
That brochure is precious!
I can't stop laughing at beavers either LOL. too funny
We used to play that game, I swear we did. I thought my cousins made it up! Only we said it when we saw Volkswagen Beetles.
oh my...it was such an innocent age back then...lol.
We used to play "beaver" with VW bugs too! We were kids and it was just a game back then...never thought anything of it...until now :o)
I am going to spontaneously play that game the next time we are all in the car together and see how everyone reacts.
My 55 is already done. I just need to get a photo.
Wordless Wednesday - Cody's Help and Halloween
If the game had been put out by Ford the shouted word would have been "SHIT!" and the kid that got slapped the most by his mom, would have been the winner.
If it was put out by Dodge, the word would have been "Badass." And the kid that his old man stopped the mom from hitting the most would have won.
I am not touching the BEAVER at all.
I'd like that map to use for the bike.
I think we should all yell HOG. jeNN
61-62 the loss of fins on cars...
That I like your retros are always unexpected and curious!
we had road kill bingo on ours!!
I remmeber those booklets of road games. Well, not that particular one, but other ones. Like a bingo game with state license plates. And things having to do with symbols on gas station signs and the like.
we played some kind of license plate game ... that's about all i remember ...
you are like a box of tricks!
When I die, I will be proud to have myself embalmed & put in your museum
( This is called economy of of one comment for two posts ( I must really be as tired as I feel))
My dad had a big, black 1966 Chrysler Imperial. I was expected to sit in the back and keep my mouth shut.
Good afternoon G-man!
I totally played the Beaver game too, but it was those cars with the fake wood sides.
Now we play the Jeep game and also Cops to Carcasses. First person to spot six jeeps wins in the first game, and in the second, you count the number of Cops and Roadkill on a roadtrip and keep track of which one you see more of at the end of the trip. It's a terrible game. I'm sure my chilis will be in therapy...
That is GREAT. Never played the Beaver game....hysterical. My first car was a Beaver, er, Chevy Impala 1964 SS. Glasspacks. Wish I had it today.
Children were to be seen not heard...or something like that...
I can still hear that song in my head from the commercial. My neighbors always had a nice, shiny Chevy parked outside...My uncle was an OLDS man and my other uncle had a DeSoto! Those were the big klunkers of the past... :)
gees, that's how crappy my wednesday was, i never even got over here until thursday.
beaver. too funny.
you know g-man, that sounds like a good idea, i think i will just do that!
pen a 55 that is
how funny!
my husband has a '67 Cougar he's trying to restore...wonder if anyone plays the "Beaver" game with "Cougars"..... ;)
...came over from Boomer's link to your blog!
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