It was a dreary December Midnight.
He sat slumped in his chair, too tired to read any longer, the forgotten lore of his lost love Lenore.
A shadowy intruder sat perched on a bust of Pallas Athena.
In delerium he screamed..."Lenore...Lenore! When will I see you again"?
Just then, his Dark Companion whispered.....
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55...
Please come tell The G-Man!!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick-Ass Week-End!!!!
Now we go to the classics for Nevermore.
Mine is posted
i never knew you read poe? very intriguing. mine is up too.
Mine's up ... http://boomerbabybliss-bfs.blogspot.com/2009/09/flash-55-lost-key-finale.html
Sorry I was out last week, but we had a death in the family. Anyway, tonight is the finale of THE LOST KEY.
I love Poe and this 55.
Mine will be up in an hour.
...his Dark Companion whispered, "FINISH THE DAMN STORY!!"
Poe is my hero; always was. In the cemetery where he's 'buried' (it's by the medical college so who knows for sure) is a headstone with my name on it. I always liked that.
And mine's UP! Have a great weekend Galen!
That was a Poe excuse for a 55. LOL
How perfect for an eerily chilly October eve! Could explain why half a dozen crows followed my doggie and me on our evening walk. Crows are scary -- not that the dog thinks so.
I'm speechless! Well done!
So . . . continuing with the "dark" theme, I give you the following:
His dark companion whispered "I want a pizza...."
I put my 55 up.
Very clean departure from puppies and peanut butter. Mine is here
wow we went from peanut butter and busts to real literature and you FORGOT THE TO PUT THE ENDING!
whispered, "my friday flash 55 is HERE.
Dark Companion indeed!
For those who came in late, Mine is up too!
G-ster, you are so talented! I love Poe. The Tell Tale Heart always haunted me.
P.S. Your last comment made me cry yesterday. I'm so happy to have you as a friend. You have no idea how much I needed that.
That cuts off at a remarkably good spot, eh?
Mine is here.
Who is this Poe everyone's talking about???
Just kidding LOL
Mine's HERE
Ah, spooky. I like spooky. And Poe's my favourite writer. Nicely done.
You'll find mine here.
Galen ~ So versatile ~ who knew? Excellent and leaving me wanting more.
I've done two this week ... hope you don't mind. I was just "feelin' it".
Here they are. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs, Chef Kar
Wow!!! I like these ones with mistery and esoterism (?)
Mine is UP too
Nice weekend! :)
Mine is up!
Are you a biker?
Darn I forgot the response said the shadowy intruder. I used to know it when Poe and I were friends.
Mine is posted
nice blog Gman here is my post down below.
never liked dreaming
absolutely wonderful Galen...You made me hear the crow squawk!
I LOVE Poe....I have all his works.
My Flash 55 is more like 44 this week...in other words, not really anything much. LOL
You'll find it HERE [scroll down below the Show N Tell as always]
Have a wonderful weekend!!
'. . . the washing's dry'
Lenore made me think of 'Lenor' a fabric softener - sorry to be so mundane:-/
Quoth the Raven,'Nevermore'.
I've posted mine.
It is so appropriate that Poe's birthday is in October and your 55 is so spooky.
Mine is HERE
This is too cool!
Mine is up.
Very cool. No 55 this week for me. Next time...
good one, very seasonal.
i'm up.
Fandango stole my comment! So I'll have to go to this one:
Falling leaves, turning brown,
swaying dancing, towards the ground.
I enjoyed this!
And...mine is UP!
oh so very dark galen, not a side i see from you very often. nicely done! oh, and i'm back this week...
Ah, kickin it ole school today hey g?! Nice job...Ok, I'm up.
Great take on Poe.
Find my Flash 55 for this week HERE.
Ohhh this one left me wanting to read more than 55!!!
Mine is up!
Mine's up. Be kind. I'm still on vacation and I'm not sure my mind has wandered back home yet. :)
Poe? Way to go, Galen! I put one up....
His Dark Companion whispered What the hell...finish the story LOL.
Mine is up HERE. Have a great weekend. Aloha
i'm up g-luv, and it's different this time round. peace!
Ah, Mr. Poe! Right up my alley.
My pitiful little offering is up. Not feeling well this evening, Galen. So just a small thing. But better that than NOTHING! D
Mr. Knowitall: Beached whale sent me on over to post a FF55 on the site but it looks like I posted it to Susie's blog maybe. Anyway he wanted me to link the post to you or leave it here (I guess, not technically savvy on the blogosphere) so here's what I wrote. He says you ride so you might like something with bikes involved.
The weathered, grey haired, former Marine tugged on the clutch lever and eased a tattered boot heel down on the shifter as he watched the speedo ease up to 60. A quickly setting sun melted into the quiet ocean passing on his right. Ahead, the night and an uncertain future. He would remember this ride.
There ya go! Ride on bro!
It's Lenore!!!!! I did a Flash 55 - although, I think it's a little late now! :-)
Akelamalu delivered your hugs(((((HUGS BACK)))) QUEENIE X
Holy macaroni, gman!
You're getting so good at this.
The comment list is also impressive.
N . . . . evermore!
I'm late again!
Poe still has his room at UVA set aside so you can look into it - I used to do that now again when I went to school there.
Excelent, I love poe, he is the reason why I learn english, to understand his poetry!
Beautifull picture also
Thanks G
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