I've always loved the Equinox!
For maybe 30 years or so, wherever I was employed, I schlepped a raw egg to work.
I would wait till there was a lull in the action, whip out the egg, and announce that this was THE only day of the year that you can balance a raw egg on it's end. I then proceeded to painstakingly balance the egg until I could let go completely. It was much fun to watch my co-workers stare in wide-eyed amazement at this strange feat! First of all, there was always some numb-nuts that asked..."Whats an Equinox?" At this point I would give a stern look of consternation and reply, "What the fuck did you learn in school anyway?" That usually shut him up. But then you kind of had to give some lame explaination as to why this occurs. I would sputter something about the gravitational pull is less during this time, because of how the Earth tilted on it's axis. Not wanting to appear TOO stupid, that definition usually put off any further discussion.
Even though you can balance an egg on end ANYDAY of the year, is it really easier to successfully do it on this day? Some say yes!!!
Because of the 23 degrees of tilt of the Earth's spin axis, there is a degree of symmetry during an Equinox when the Earths spin axis is EXACTLY at right angles with the direction to the Sun of the Earth!! At this point the gravitational field lines of the Earth and the Sun have perhaps a more complimentary symmetry causing minimal distortion from the vertical for these lines at this period.!!
So you do see the pics above right? I balanced an egg today on THREE different tables at my house...Just now!! But is it easier to do it during an Equinox?
What say you good readers? FACT.....Or BULLSHIT!!!!!
Lemme know...
"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t"...no way can do :o)
You're so smart!
Do I boil it first?
And (I'm afraid to ask!) What's an Equinox?
Which came first? The Equinox or the egg?
Please answer before midnight, I turn back into a pumpkin...or an EGG!
By virtue of the photographic evidence, it would appear to be fact. Unless you, like, glued the egg down. You didn't, did you?:)
It's an Equinox full of bullshit or does bullshit only happen on the Equinox? LOL
There are other things that happen on the equinox, you know. But winter equinox is my favorite - something about being burdened by clothing no more? Happy autumn solstice, Galen!
"watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat!"
and sheesh...doesn't everyone know the equinox is a midsize chevy suv????
I do not know, but I have a vision of myself cleaning up raw egg in the very near future!
you gotta be kiddin me... i've never tried to balance an egg before. i'll let you know later. p.s. will you come clean up the mess???????
now where did you come up with this little creation. I mean what made you think of it huh?....you realize some time today I will have to try this right! ;oD
I say..."Were any eggs harmed in the taking of theses pictures?"
Now I have to try this. :)
I ended up being the judge in a bar argument between Equinox and Solstice! Then had to explain why each occurs twice a year! I was going to ask how many knew the world was round, and spins on it's axis, in addition to traveling around the sun- but I was afraid of the answers!
Animal testing!
I arrest you!
Yes, those gravitational pulls can be very tricky, G-Man! ;)
Wikipedia calls this an urban myth. Stating, as you so eloquently have, that given enough patience you can balance an egg on its end at any time of the year.
Good thing you practiced before trying your balancing act at work. Otherwise you would have ended up with egg on you face...waaah, waaah, waaaah.
I believe you, thousands wouldn't! (wink)
I am going to go try it and take a picture.
I don't know - I'd have to see the data. Have you tried balancing it on many days throughout the year. But, really, you'd have tohave people balancing the egg who didn't know anything about that myth to really know if there's anything to it.
I've always wanted to try this and never have. And now the small window of equinox opportunity is gone...sigh...
Is that why my feet were hurting? The pull?? Quiche anyone?? :D
My egg did not balance, just fell over. I took a picture of it, I need to post it.
total bull from a to z
masterymistery at cosmic rapture
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