Thursday, March 26, 2009

Friday Flash 55...

(Rosebud, Fruit-Dish, Velvet-Glove, Sheath..
French Pear, Buggle-Boe, Porridge, Cut-Sleave)
Alas...He Mused.
Why was he having such a dilemma naming his comedic masterpiece?
Damnable women and their spell on men!!
Women with their 'Pie'.
With their 'Dark and Vicious Place'.
With their 'Hell'.
And drama?...It's ALWAYS...Much Ado About Nothing!!!


If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell The G-Man. I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Great Week-End!!

FOOTNOTE..Parenthesized words. 'Marked' words. And the word Nothing. Are Elizabethan slang terms for Cooter.
(Ha..That Footnote was so Mojoesque)


  1. You know... I think most of these have made it into Modern English too. Just slightly modified.

    But the "Nothing", that I did not know. Makes perfect sense though. Heh.

    Onward she rides!
    55 Flash Fiction Friday #38: Chapter 30 - Amritsar

  2. Excellent. I have a feeling that Will made much ado about everything.

    Mine is up, or should I say down.

  3. I have a new Delia post for tomorrow... but it's at work so I will post it in the morning. :)

    G-man, you are adorably one of a kind.


  4. wow, i figured the others were all terms for the female anatomy but i had no idea "nothing" was as well.

  5. To hasten the taming of the vicious shrew,
    Take her to the place where they sell cute shoes...

    Oh, Puck it, I'm not writing a sonnet. Already did that today. Elizabethan slang is a trip, huh?:)

  6. Scurvy knave!
    Punk rampant!

    A ship or a saaaiiillll!

    I just love R & J, especially the Zefferelli version!

    Happy 55 Gman, no I didnt play..I have work to do!

  7. 'Dark and Vicious Place' and 'Hell' <-- for cooter, really? They must be referencing women with STDs?

    Never heard that before G-man thanks for the lesson. ;-)

    My 55 will be up in ten minutes. :)

  8. i'm up, g...will be checking in on everyone tomorrow along with fatherhood fridays. :)

  9. how cool! you've outdone yourself this week! and i didn't skip this week....

  10. Is a cooter a developing cootie?

    Strange but funny as hell you are g-man.

  11. Enjoyed your story.
    I tried one today.

  12. "Et tu, Bruté?" I ♥ Shakespeare!!

    My 55 is posted. You'll hafta skim down below my Friday Show N Tell bunny to find it.

    Happy weekend.

  13. G you always have such clever posts. Mine is up and TGIF to you and to everyone have a wonderful weekend.

  14. This is hilarious!

    I played this week!

  15. Very clever G-Man...what, us girls are full of drama? You jest, surely!

    My 55

  16. Ah, was Shakespeare ever so fun, or relevent, as your tale? :)

    I played this week too.


  17. To funny but 'Rosebud'. I heard that refered to something else.
    Then we have the word Nothing ... who knew?

    Nice. I did play today but ran out of time to visit. I will be doing that later in the day, promise.

    Have a nice weekend.

  18. OK OK I get it... And I did it

    finally my very first Firday Flash 55 Hope you like it

    FF55 #1 by PoetrySue

  19. all in one I heard it called a "cooter pie"!! That is funny!!!

  20. So does that mean he was GAY...GALEN? Is this a "I hate women post"? :D Or just "Bitch SHUT UP", kinda post??
    I'm in progress with the 55...

  21. Ah, the Bard's issues still resonate today.

    Mine's up.

  22. This may cause a stir but I have to say it

    I Don't like Shakespeare!!!!

    I do like your 55 though m'dear.

    Mine's up too.

  23. Shakespeare? Didn't see that one comin'...

  24. Galen: You are truly BAD! Leave it to you! Quite clever, however, as always!

    Mine is up! D

  25. Poor Will. Sounds like nobody ever taught him how to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

    My 55 for the week is up too now.

  26. yea..I can never agree more than today that it is all much ado about nothing...

  27. i did a flash friday a few weeks ago on my family blog....hmmmm, i will get you the link. i always forget to do it. I love it. nice write...

  28. Great FF55 Galen ... I did forget to say that I noticed although you have a small woody in yesterday's picture, you've got a really BIG deck! pbbbbt

    *huggles G-man all up*

  29. you are something else,
    Mr. Knowitall...
    i dont think i knew of
    the word cooter
    until i met you-ter.
    wherever did you get
    your inspiration
    for this week's 55?
