As a kid, did you ever have ground up Bologna and pickles mixed with mayo?
Or ground up roast beef?...No? Boy, did you miss out!
Anyway....This little kitchen tool has been around a LONG time, I lovingly refer to it as the very first 'food processor', hahahaha....G
man.....most of my school lunches that mom made were ground up baloney, pickles and mayo....mom still has her grinder, we've used it! good stuff!!
I've seen a grinder like that. My grandma had one. I don't like my meat ground up, though. I want nice, thick slabs of balogna and lots of layers of piled up roast beef. Hold the pickles.:)
Galen, In India people still use that grinder, specially to mince meat!
I don't have one, but I have seen many around, still being use everywhere!
We had something like that!
Though I´ve never had the dishes u mention.
You saw my Kitchen-Aid grinder attachment in my last post- The one you have(new!) would cost more than this attachment!
how cool. and no, i don't think it would survive in our house. if it doesn't have a power cord or batteries, hubby tends to ignore it. or replace it with one that does....
i think i just threw up in my mouth a little at the thought of bologna, pickles and mayo...
never did that but i have helped process a LOT of venison on a grinder like yours.
ewwww gross. i'm w lime...i just threw up in my mouth a little. i have a high gag factor you know. i've seen those, but aren't they like fossils? hehe jk :) xo
Hey Galen, you aren't freezing yet are you?
My grandmother use to have one of those whachamacallits that you have pictured there.
Have a good day and stay warm!
Do you keep everything??? You sure have a lot of stuff G-man. :)
I used to help my grandmother make kielbasa...she let me turn the hand stile. So what kind of pickles in the bologna? and how fine do you chop it? Do tell...
Hey Don...Welcome. Yay!! Another gourmand, hahahahaha,
Serena..You don't seem like a Bologna girl. I'm very surprised!
Mona...I loved your poem today.
Evalinn...You probably ground up Herring!
Buff...Are you kidding? Thats cool!
Shadow...Thats funny that you say that because I have a Wind Up Radio that is made in South Africa!
Lime..No Puke talk!!!!
That goes for you too Ciara Mist!
Yes Heather...Cold very Cold!!
Yes Pearl...I keep everything!
Lulda...Any kind of pickle, and you just run it through the Grinder.
I love it. I looked around for something just like that and I must have been looking in the wrong place. They wanted to sell me Kitchen-Aid mixers with an attachment.
I know the roast beef is good. Never tried something like bologna, pickles and mayo but it sounds really good.
Love your retro Wednesdays.
Bologna and pickles? Blah! Leave out the Bologna. I'll just have the pickles. No, I'm not pregnant.
I was going to buy something similar a couple months ago to grind corn for fresh masa. I might still get one.
We still have two of them one for meat and one for horseradish
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