Thursday, January 22, 2009

Friday Flash 55.....

As he bellied up to the bar, he perused the assorted booze selection that his favorite dive had to offer....Black Velvet, Crown, Wild Turkey.
Finally the barmaid saw him and hollored, "What'll ya have hon"?
'I'll have a Rosie O'Donnell'
"A what"......?
'You know, it's quite large, and usually comes with two liquors'!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, Then BOOK!!! So from the most gracious host from coast to coast, have a GREAT WEEK-END!
Also...The lovely and talented Mona is visiting her son away at college for a few days, and has posted a Friday 55 a bit early. She has invited everyone to come and read her contribution.
Lastly, our Kiwi friend KB also has posted a 55 already. Since I'm very low-tech and cannot do a link, she commented last on my previous post, she is very talented as well, please visit her.


  1. It's been that kind of a day, huh?:-) Go fix yourself a little something on the rocks and enjoy your evening.

  2. Oh my god brain freeze. I asked hubby what that was suppose to mean then a light went on above my head and I got it. Man Im tired! lol

  3. I didnt play but at least I came over!


    Have a good weekend GMAN

  4. Ba-dum. Ching!

    I was waiting for 55 bottle of beer on the wall or something, so this one caught me by surprise. Nice to see that the cold hasn't twisted your sense of humor.

    Any more.

    Than it was.

    I'm not so funny this week. Folks, things are about to get serious for my heroine and it ain't for the weak at heart. But at least you know she comes out on top in the end, so that's somethin'... right?

    55 Flash Fiction Friday #29: Chapter 21 - Apmaan

  5. i played,, but i wrote a poem so i am not sure that counts... i found you over at myrtle beached whale,,, and wrote my entry before i knew you wanted to do flash fiction.... maybe next week....

    the ghost

  6. Cool, Galen. Believe it or not, mine is up early as well! And mine has to do with "liquor," too. How about that! Feeling rosie? D

  7. Aww thanks for the comment G.

    Nice job on your 55 too.

    Have a great night.


  8. Loved it and I actually got it! :)

    This never happens to me.....I am up early. Hope you can stop by.

  9. I wrote my first friday flash 55.

    You put a great twist on the ending of your story.

  10. Oh my, g-man... that's... so... hehehe wrong. But it made me chuckle.

    As you know (thanks for checking in on me!), I'm up, too.


  11. "As he bellied up to the bar, he perused the assorted booze selection that his favorite dive had to offer....Black Velvet, Crown, Wild Turkey.Finally the barmaid saw him and hollored, "What'll ya have hon"?" to the Jamisons...Give me a "Scotty"...double shot of both Beams.

    A for the old drinking days...bringing back the memories.

  12. oh my G-man... just...well,
    I will NOT be ordering one of those!
    I am hoping to get something written today. :D


  13. Haha! There was a time when I would have said, "Why does everyone have to pick on poor Rosie?" But that time has past. Oh, how callous the soul can become!

    My 55 is up ON TIME this week.

    : )

    Have a great one, G-Man!!!

  14. eeesh, there's an image i didnt' need first thing this morning.

    i'm sorta up. i mean i posted but it's not a 55 really.

  15. Funny stuff. And I thought she was just a disgusting, no-talent, piece of crap. LOL

    Mine is up.

  16. I've played along again, two weeks in a row.:)


  17. See,now I was worried because I thought, well, is mine really fiction? Still trying, and mine is up.

  18. Groan.... I friend of mine never ceased to order his favorite cocktail that always made the waitress or bartender puzzled.. He would order a "Forteen".. they'd say what's that? He'd say a Seven and Seven...

  19. haha great 55. i got my 55 up. forgot it was friday...came up w it in two minutes. so if it sucks, forgive me lol

  20. I'll have a drink from the second row from the bottom. The bottle right there in the middle. Malibu. ;-)

    I don't have a 55 this week and I know I was slacking last week too, maybe next week. :)

  21. Sorry I did not play this week. I guess I was to busy drooling at all that liquor.

    Oh no, I cn not blieve it, Mojo and I had the same idea about the 55 bottles of beer on the wall. You must be a bad influence.

  22. Hi, you were right, I didn't know how to link, but I looked it up and learned how to do it.

    Here is the link to my Friday Flash 55.


  23. me loves Galen
    in spite of
    your tacky post,
    silly boy...

    ps i loved
    you know what-ing
    with you today...

  24. Hmmmmmm? What? Perhaps THIS will be that kind of day. The Absolut is looking good, don't you think? Yeah. Bottoms up.

  25. now that i am back to do my reading of the others,, i wanted to let you know that yours was excellent... oh how i miss the good old days hanging out at the bars.....

    BV and coke for me if you don't mind......

    had a good time... will be back....

  26. You make KIM Jong IL raff out roud!!!!

  27. Err that image...I'm going to have to have more liquor to get rid of that...oh damn, there I went and made the image worse.

  28. Oh, Oh...I think that snow is getting to your head! :) I'm up...

  29. First time here...
    Here's mine:

  30. Have a great weekend G-man, sorry I did´t play this week. Maybe next week...

  31. Good one G-man.

    Sorry I'm late in commenting but we were out galavanting yesterday, I had scheduled my 55 to post before we went out.

    I'll get around to reading everyone's 55s over the weekend. :)

  32. way too much fun... had to play again.......

    ceramic law

  33. Still sharp as ever Galen! Guess who did a 55 this week? Yup, its me...Hmmm...why do I have a sudden need for a drink?

  34. lol 2@rosie ;)

    i posted one today, 6 so far... [ie. Mini VI], VII tomorrow, etc

  35. I thought this was such a clever idea, I started my own. Please check it out at
