Thursday, September 18, 2008

Friday Flush 55......

One of my favorite Seinfeld episodes, was the one where George was seen emerging from Jerry's privy clutching a large book. Jerry was irate and refused to read a "bathroom book"!
George tried to return it for Jerry, but was refused because it was a "bathroom book".....
Guess I can't return my new lap top now....Can I????

Hehehehe, where do you think that I'm typing this at now?
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday 55, please come tell the G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, Then Book!!!
Please have a Great Week-End ....


  1. YAY IT'S FRIDAY ALMOST!!! I've missed the past few weeks!!!

    Here is mine

  2. Yay! I'm up, and I'm telling you earlier than I have done in AGES! Go me!

    Now I'll go back and read yours...

    Welcome back, Mr. O!


  3. hahahha Okay, this is kind of gross, maybe, but when my father was slated for a colonoscopy, he had to... er... clean out his system. In anticipation of this night of flushing, he asked me to help him get an old laptop wireless-capable so he could use it in the bathroom. And I did. Yikes.

    Funny 55, g-man!

  4. Mr. O...?
    By Jove I Think You've got it!!!

    It's ALL Good...It's ALL Bath!!!!

  5. are you trying to say you're on the pot posting your 55? lol :P~~

  6. You were in the National Honor Society were'nt you Ciara?..:P

  7. Good grief. Men and their bathrooms. LOL.:-)

  8. Houston we have...
    Chapter 6: Aazaadi
    I got so behind this week I just now finished mine. Really!

  9. I luuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvv Seinfeld but ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I think you're going to be getting up to much mischief with this laptop.

    My 55 is up!

  10. We have new player this week, but she's spending the night with her dad in hospital. So she asked me to post up her link since she can't do it herself.
    Debut 55

  11. I forced myself to post before calling it a night. I am so tired... and I blame it all on you.

    OK, I don't. Most interesting 55 but I do not know if I could spend that much time in the water closet. It sure would help pass the time. Very interesting but I just don't know...

  12. Galen! You are creating Untouchability amongst the species of laptops!

    I am going to raise slogans against you!

    But if you have constipation, I think you could be excused for doing that! ...At Least one of them 55ves is going to make you soil your

    Galen! My 55VE is up too!

  13. Yada Yada Yada and flush hehehe...

    A laptop would be a great idea for the ultimate man bathroom along with a lcd hd tv. I might never come out... wait need sound proofing so I can't here the wife and kids.

    BTW I have just put up my first 55 -here it is

  14. I hope I am doing this right. I just started a blog, and I am going to start it with a Friday Fact 55

  15. Hey this was fun....OK, two things.
    Mojo, I couldn't access that link.
    And ME....I got a pop-up when I typed in your addy..
    I'll be waiting for the adjustments!
    Guess what I can do at Border's now?..YAY!!!!!!!!!!

  16. I musta been too beat to test when I put up the second link... Sorry bout that ya'll. Lemme try it again.
    Deburt 55 - Take Two!

  17. Here's my first attempt at posting a 55, as well as my first attempt at putting a link in comments. I hope they both work okay!

    I never watched Seinfeld, because the first person who recommended the show to me told me he'd been watching it while on the pot. ; )

  18. Laptopping or reading on the john isn't as bad as brushing your teeth or eating on the john. EWWWW!

    I played this week too!


  19. i love that you love
    your new laptop.
    i always leave mine in
    exactly the same place
    on the dining room table
    after my son talked me
    into getting one last year.
    and the 3 times i did
    put it on my "lap"
    it felt like i was
    sauteeing my
    reproductive organs,
    not that that's neccessarily
    a "bad" thing at this point...

  20. You didn't take your new lap top into the bathroom?????? LOL

    What are you like?

  21. lol, we want pictures:P i'm late but i am finally up!

  22. G-man now I know where I got your blog from! My Buddy Dame Vegas over on Myspace. She told me about your Friday Flash 55. Said I should try it.... I will one day

    Oh and good job Posting from the Pooper

  23. Galen, you are terrible! hahaha Very creative 55. If you can turn crap into a story, well, you can do just about anything!

    Mine is up!


  24. eeewww - TMI TMI TMI *rocks back and forth*

    hehehe ;-)

    Ok G-Man you twisted my arm. I did a 55. It's up. :)

  25. I'm free fallin'.
    And........Although I am late, I am finally up!
    And ready to fall.

    Lovin' Friday Flash 55!

    Have a super weekend!

  26. Hope u´re having a fabulous weekend! :-) I´m making a new attempt at getting back to blogging. This time at the good old stock-city-site... :-)

  27. Bathrooms are for reading National Geographic and cookbooks!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. What a cool idea.

    ... not the cookbook in the john, that could go terrible wrong.

    .the friday 55.
