Monday, August 25, 2008

Political Potpourri.......

Hi Everybody....
I try not to talk about either politics or religion, but in light of the upcoming convention and election, certain observations just can't be helped.
Thanks to my friends Tom and Lynnie, for sending me these great pics..
Yesterday's jokes went over pretty well, so maybe I'll try one more...
A little boy goes to his dad and asks.."What is Politics"?
Dad says..."Well son, let me explain it so that you can understand . I am the head of the household, so I am the President. Your Mom is the administrator of the money, so we'll call her the Government. We are here to take care of your needs, so we will call you the People! The Nanny? We shall call her The Working Class..And your baby brother? We shall call him the Future...Now think about that and run along".
The boy goes to bed and thinks about what his Dad has told him, and falls asleep. Later that night his Baby brother starts to screaming, and won't shut up. The baby had soiled his diapers and needed to be changed..
So the boy goes to his parents room and finds his Mom sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the Nanny's room and peeks through the door only to find his Dad in bed with her. He finally gives up and goes back to bed ...
The next day at breakfast the little boy says, "Dad, I think I understand the concept of politics now." The father says "Excellent, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about". The little boy replies..."The President is screwing the Working Class, while The Government is sound asleep. The People are being ignored, and The Future is in deep shit"!


  1. I have my own thoughts on all this- but that was friggin' hilarious!

  2. Love the pictures AND the joke. I guess that about sums up the state of politics today.:)

  3. LMAO!! I love it Galen, could anything be more true?

    I try not to talk about either religion or politics myself but I have to say that this election worries me because there is not one good candidate running and that means that the difficult decision during voting time will continue for me until the election is over.

    I hope you had a good day yesterday!


  4. That sound just about right - wherever you are in the world!

  5. Yep, that sums it up! I love that second political true is that!!!

  6. I think the outhouse is missing the top floor. It has the special interest groups in there.

    I have heard that joke before. Forgot the punch line so I so loved hearing it again. Very good.

    Oh and Breazy, I think I agree with you 100%. I have a 50 cent piece, probably a dollar coin if I look hard enough. If that is to pricey... I have a wheat penny somewhere.

  7. Thanks Buff
    Jenn...? I Am!!
    Hi Sherry...Thanks xo
    Hi Limey..:-)
    KJ...Thank ya kindly
    Thanks Heather..:)
    Pearl Jam...Thanks..:-)
    Thanks VE...
    Thanks Barman..

  8. Hooray! Something about politics that didn't leave me depressed or sick to my stomach!
