Tuesday, July 8, 2008

TMI Tuesday.......

I'm tired about boring you another day with details about my boring life, so hows about an old fashioned TMI Tuesday...OK?

Now we all remember from English class what an eponym is right?

Really...? You slept thru that one eh?

When you say...Band Aid, you mean adhesive bandage.

Rolodex....A rotory phone number storer

Scotch tape...Cellophane tape

You get the picture...Today I thought it would be interesting to share the origin of one of our most valuable luxuries....Kleenex!


In 1914, WWI was being fought in Europe and the cotton that soldiers needed for bandages was starting to run out. So the Kimberly-Clark Co. devised a product called Cellucotton. An absorbant, soft paper that could be used to dress wounds. It was so effective that the Army looked for other uses for it...They found one. They used it as filter for gas masks!!

After the war they had warehouses full of the stuff left over so they had to find a way to market it in peacetime. Their clever solution? A sanitary cold cream remover!

Calling it Kleenex Kerchiefs, they hired movie stars to endorse it as a secret path to glamor. It was a Huge success!!!


But Americans found another use for the product...Nose Blowing!!

Men in particular wanted to know why Kleenex had to be a women's product. And women griped that men were stealing their Kleenex to sneaze into. It also seemed that teen-age boys were also finding a use for these soft disposable little wipes, sometimes as many as 4 or 5 times a day!!

Anyway, during the 1920's Kimberly-Clark introduced the pop-up box that always left one sticking out of the box waiting to be grabbed.

So the question remained...Were people buying Kleenex as a cold cream remover, or a nose blower? A survey showed in the 60's that most folks used it as the latter. So thats what K-C emphasized, and thats how we think of it today.

And now you know....The rest of the story! Good Day.




  1. How dare you accuse me of falling asleep during English class!

  2. Thank you very much Paul Harvey..er...um Mr. Knowitall!LOL! I actually didn't know that about Kleenex but now I do.

    Hope you are having a great day!

  3. i never knew! thanks mr knowitall!


    Seeing you after a long time sir. Am so glad to see you again sir!

    Thanks for that information!

    yeah. I use it to wipe out my lipstick! :)

  5. Interesting stuff! Amazing how some products started their life with another purpose...

  6. Well you learn something new every day! Fascinating, but can you lick your elbow? ((wink)

  7. I never knew the history behind my sneeze rags. Interesting! I've never used it for makeup removal because of the shred factor. It's good to know I can use it for a gas mask, though.:)

  8. What in the world would young boys be in need of Kleenex for? I just can't imagine...

  9. Wow, I learned more here in one post than I did my entire senior year in high school! (would have helped to pay attention back then I suppose)

  10. Cool! What's the next lesson about?

  11. Morgie...?
    Didn't you teach English?

    Missy...Good Night!!

    Hi My little Vol...:-)

    Thank You Trini...
    Thank You very much...

    You use lipstick?
    I thought your lips were naturally Rupee Red...hahahaha

    Hi Buff...
    You gat that right!

    You post today was quite informative as well...G

    The same thing you use it for....

    Who you kiddin?
    You could teach anything...

    Oh Mr. Knowitall has many lessons in store...;-)

  12. yes Galen. I use lipstick when I am all decked up to go for party. Otherwise no. :D

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