Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Retro Wednesday.......

Michigan Stadium...aka. "The Big House", was formally dedicated at it's present location in 1927. I have been going to football games there since college days. I have had season tickets since 1976. Several times over the past 80 years there have been renovations and expansions made on this grand structure, and during one of those renovations, they took the original bleachers out and replaced them. But being that Michigan has one of the leading business schools in the nation, they marketed some sentimental stuff for me and my fellow "pack-rats" to own and possess forever. So here is an original seat from that first year of existence, with a laser sketch of what the stadium looks like now, and a brass plaque stating it's authenticity.
"Hail to the Victor's"


  1. I'm first for a change, woohoo!

  2. I was so excited at being first I forgot to read the post.

    Wow, that's so cool. Wish I could keep a part of my favourite rugby field. Actually, I'd rather keep one of the players.

  3. Stadiums are 'exciting' in some strange mysterious sense. They seem to resemble 'brain' ; so much activity in one enclosed much chaos & then silence...

  4. I can't see the pictures, darn it; just little red Xs. I'm sure they were hot, though. Clearly, there's a full moon coming. Everything's going haywire.

  5. My son graduated from the U of M, the guy that owns the company I work for is Al Glick (Check out the name on the new locker room..) We gotta sing that song(hopefully drunk and at the top of our lungs!) someday- together! Amazin' Blue forever!

  6. wow, now that is a pretty cool memento to have.

  7. Thats most excellent. Im sure the seat is rubbed smooth from all youre arses!


  8. Looks a huge place, my cousin has a a piece of grass that he paid a fortune for, its suppose to have come from the Wembley Stadium,London. I swear they saw him coming!!!!!

  9. as always, very cool stuff, g-man. and isn't it great to see queenie commenting again?? :)

  10. I shudder to think of what's in your basement...
