Saturday, May 5, 2007

Lucky 7...............

Is everybody ready for the Week-End? Yeah, well I have to work! But last week our very good friend, and the Worlds Hottest Angel of Mercy Jillie, tagged me on a meme...
I'm supposed to list 7 habits, bad or good. And list my 7 favorite songs, so here goes;


1. I go through about one pack of Q-Tips every month! But if I run out, I just peel some of the cotton from around the tip of a used one....and re-use it! I can get about 4 days from one if I don't break it!

2. Often I work late, so I have a tendancy to eat a meal way too late at night!

3. I Like my Soda Pop very cold, so I put it the freezer for about 45 Minutes.
Well, sometimes I forget about it..............BOOM!

4. If I have an appointment, or if I am going to an event, I am always way early!
I love getting the best seat at the theater, or being 1st in line....

5. On the flip side of that, if I have a test, or a perscription to fill, I always wait until the very last minute to do it

6. At every meal no matter whats for dinner, I make a sandwich! Either out of whatever bread is being served, or out of the dinner roll.....Every meal!! It drives my friends and family CRAZY!! Of course thats part of the reason that I do it!!...Hahahaha

7. Since I don't blog at work anymore, I blog way too much at home! I hardly ever watch any TV anymore, and when I do watch TV, I'm also blogging........

Favorite Songs

1. Free Bird.....Lynyrd Skynyrd

2. Radar Love...Golden Earring

3. 25 or 6 to 4 .....Chicago

4. Dynamo Hum....Frank Zappa

5. Highway Song....Blackfoot

6. While My Guitar Gently Weeps....Beatles..( George Harrison )

7. In The Hall of the Mountain King....Edvard Grieg( composer )

Tomorrow I could have a different list, but today, this is it!! Oh yeah, I'm supposed to tag 7 other people for this little self-revealing meme...

1. Roxi.....Lady R.
2. Manny
3. Jodi
4. Buddha Girl
5. Barman
6. Gabby
7. Lime...Trini....Michelle

Tag....Your It!!!.......Sorry guys, but it is an easy post!!!....... Peace...... Galen


  1. Oh thank you for not tagging me. You know the mistress is very busy.

    I hope your weekend is stellar, gman!
    ANd BW I am first, because I am on the left coast, and its just 11 pm and I am soooo sauced..because the hubby went out without me..LOL..what can I do but drink gentleman jack and play on the puter?
    Thank you for being 55 host, g man~

  2. I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO love While My Guitar Gently Weeps!

    Great post there g-man....


  3. I can't decide if you are thrifty, cheap or insane about the Q-Tips. I posted a FFF 55 if you'd care to read it. Ciao for now.

  4. I'm frightened to ask what you need all those q-tips for... it is for the bike, yeah? Oh and this one pack, does it contain 50? 100? 250? 500? 1000?

    great answers; great way to get to know you

    have a lovely weekend

    lotsa luv ann xxxx

  5. OMG! We have a lot in common. I'm scairt.

  6. Galen, my daughter does that sandwich thing too! OMG, too funny!

    You should set the microwave timer when you put your soda in. No more explosions! :)

    Happy Cinco de Mayo! :)

  7. Morning everybody...
    Gotta go to work today, and I'm running late, so please forgive me.....

    Susie, I love drunk women!

    Roxi, I love drunk women!

    Jillie, I love drunk women!

    LisaPizza, I read your your 55, I don't think you are drunk, but you can still come back anytime....

    Lady Ann, I love British women! If you happened to be a bit tipsy, that would be off the chart!

    Manny, I love Candy!!

    Snowelf, thanks for being such a nice visiter. I hope to tell you now, that you are no longer a visiter, this is officially a second home to kick off your shoes, and hang out a while OK?..G xox

  8. When you said 45 minutes I knew what you were trying for. I love those slushies. I learned that back in High School. See, can't tell me I never learned nothin'. OK, maybe not spelling ... or grammar. Love the songs too.

    By the way, I AM NOT DRUNK. I noticed you had a thing for the drunk ladies and I thought I would relieve your mind. Speaking of which, I need to get some Cinco de Mayo makings. Let the PARTY BEGIN.

    Time for a quick tag now...

  9. Thanks for dropping by. It's a pleasure to meet you too! No matter how many times I count my FFF55 it comes out to be 55 words. Are you sure? Please count my entry again. Happy Cinqo de Mayo!

  10. great list of 7's g-man.
    You peel back the cotton on the q-tip? get a pack of 500 and they'll last you
    Have a great day buddy, even tho you're working.

  11. it's saturday morning and i am quite sober...i hope that's ok.

    wtf are you doing with all those Q-tips???

    Ok, i was tagged last week by someone else and i planned to do that on monday. i will do this tag too. not sure if i will just add it to the other one on monday or do it all by itself.. but i will do it.

    have a great day g-man!

  12. Interesting... but yeah... what is that Q-Tips fetish?

  13. WHat the hell are you trying to say?? that I am a drunkard??? WTF!

  14. I was tagged as well and it is quite easy isn't it.
    Your music is good and we share a record how strange is that? Freebird.

  15. Barman,
    If I was where all the great bourbon of the world is, I would be drunk!!
    Have fun brother...

    LisaPizza, I'm no math whiz, you may be right, it was a very good 55 regardless..You can drop by drunk or sober!! G

    TC, this was a post about nasty habits right?
    I can't help it...

    Limey, you can do what you like with that tag..
    You can squeeze 2 out of em, or combine them..
    You are now a biker babe, you can do what you want!! xoxox

    Searabbit, a fetish?
    Thats sounds kinda kinky!
    Thanks for that image..G

    Roxi? You a drunkard?
    Hell no I'm not saying that!
    I'm just saying that you have your moments...xoxox

    EB, hows it goin brother?
    I'll have to check out your list.......Galen

  16. What in THEE Hell are you doing with all those Q-Tips. On second thought, I don't want to know.

    I have the same being way early issue. It makes people crazy.

  17. Shoes are off and I'm helping myself to a drink. :)


  18. Signgurl...Oh like no one else uses a Q-Tip more than once?

    Bring me a beer please..

  19. here, let me help you with this:
    no, nobody uses a Q-tip more than once, except for you...they dont peel them like a banana, either, and use them 2 or 3 times, no...
    that just doesnt happen.
    sounds like a pack of 500
    will just get you through the month.
    i'm not even sure i want to know
    WHERE you are using these...
    nope, i dont.
    man, i knew you were clean,
    i just didnt realize HOW clean.

  20. Lisa, Exceptionally Clean!

    Ready for inspection...

  21. (i'd say spread 'em,
    but i dont know you
    that well...)

  22. at last someone who won't judge me for earting potato pie sandwiches!
    as they say in Lancs " Purrit ona butty!"

  23. yes, i am a biker babe so i guess by rights i could say f*** the meme ;)

  24. You remind to hide all of my!!!

    That is just too funny g-man

    g-man...where were you when I needed you last Sat! are you feeling now??


  25. Love that Harrison number, one of my all time faves. Great list.

  26. Lisa...yes you do!

    Cathy, Hell no I won't judge you at all...
    A sandwich is a sandwich!
    Thanks for sharing that little secret...xoxox

    Yeah Lime you could say that....but you won't!
    Cause you are way too sweet...xoxox

    Jillie, no pukin tonight OK?

    Tree' aren't that old are you?
    But it is a great tune..

  27. You would have been proud of me last night...only "3" glasses of wine...

    NO PUKING!!!!


  28. Jillie, good girl!!

    Lisa....hehehehe xoxox

  29. nyuk nyuk....
    (pass the Q-tips, please.)

  30. depends what you want inspected...
    i'd best take a fresh one....
    like NORMAL people do!!!

  31. Cathy, I knew what you meant..Far be it from me to to talk about spelling... I'm terrible!

    JJ .....I'm NOT normal?

  32. i'm not sure i'd be
    the best person
    to determine that...
    happy sunday!
    i bet y'all is out
    me, i'm making scrambled eggs
    with vidalia onions.
    homefries and toast
    for the girls...
    (sarah and kaya...)
    its a beautiful day
    in the neighbourhood...

  33. I'm suddenly starvin!
    Too late for brunch?

  34. hi sweetie!
    i'll fax you some homefries...
    man, they're good!
    i cut 'em in little cubes
    and i use a few sweet potatoes
    too, and onions...they're
    nice and toasted on the outside...
    still havent perfected my
    scrambleds and onions yet...
    it was my first time, actually!
    hows you?
    i was just over visiting sweet
    Strumpie! i'm SO excited for
    how everything is just falling
    into place in her wonderful life!
    aint it grand??

  35. you wear them when you RIDE a bike?

    once committed, a mistake
    committed again & again, a habit :)

    Have a nice bright sunday Galen.


  36. JJ, That would be great!

    Thanks Mona, but there are good mistakes..xoxox

  37. OK...I just got back from Costco and bought a BOAT LOAD of if they were for would be 2 months


    Hope you're enjoying the BEAUTIFUL weather!

  38. Jillie, that would be a 2 year supply!! hahahaha!

  39. Good mistakes? can you please enumerate some so thatI can commit them!
    The best things about sandwiches is that you have such a variety to choose from. I loooove sandwhiches any day!
    PS Where is strumpet? I hope she is okay.

  40. Thanks KJ, LOve you Sweetie!!! xoxox

    Mona, Strumpets been hit by the Thunderbolt!!
    She's just fine...
