Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Whats the matter Bunky, you say you got your jocks handed to you on national TV?
Your Heisman winning QB got sacked 5 times?
Your greatest offensive weapon got knocked out of the game in the 1st Quarter?
Your highly touted offense didn't even gain 100 yds?
Is that whats bothering you Bunky?..................

C'mon! It's only a game...look at Michigan...
They lost to their arch rival for the 3rd st. year
They lost their 4th st. bowl game.
They slipped to 8th in the final pole, behind Wisconsin, a team they beat by 2 TD's.
Behind BOISE STATE for Christ sakes!!

Let Galen tell you a little story..............Several years back, I had a bit of a health scare.
For a period of about 4 days I was constipated. Ewwww, you might say, but it was NO laughing matter. I couldn't even pass gas. Something was seriously wrong. Finally, I went to the local clinic, upon X-Raying my innerds they promptly called an ambulance and had me taken to Emergency.......From there, more tests, X-Rays, Colonoscopies, blah blah blah.
I had a blockage in my intestinal tract, they called it a fistula. It had to come out, major surgery, and they did not know at that point if it malignant. Actually I had a pretty good attitude at first, but then the mind starts to wander....I was 49. My mom died at age 49 of cancer of the colon. Shit, is this hereditary? I was starting to feel a little apprehensive, as I was laying there feeling sorry for myself, I suddenly got a new room-mate.....Charley!

Charley was about 60. He was on his back, writhing in pain, screaming in agony. His right knee was about the size of a soccer ball! It had kind of a brace on it, and it was all swollen and pusy, and NASTY....After about an hour of this, I was getting very aggitated. Then a team of Dr's finally arrived, and my enlightenment began...Charley had had a knee replacement operation about 2 weeks earlier, and it had became infected, he desparately needed another operation.

Doc? Can you help me this knee hurts like Hell!
" Charley...we can't operate on you now."
Why not Doc?
" Because you also have pneumonia, and we can't put you under until you get better..
But Charley, I need to know your complete recent health history. I see here that you had another operation about a year ago?"
Yeah I had prostrate cancer.
"They removed your prostate"?
Yeah, they removed my prostrate.
"The heart?"
Oh yeah, I got a pig valve.
"So Charley, this is the deal, we can't give you any pain relief because of your pneumonia, we can't operate as long as you have pneumonia, and then it will be tricky because of your heart!

Suddenly I felt like Jack LaLane......Poor Charley, couldnt breathe, bad heart, couldn't walk, extreme pain, had cancer, no prostate(couldn't f**k). I had it rough?
Just then they came and wheeled me into O.R. No cancer, But they DID remove 11 inches of my intestines...Yeah, I can live with that....And have. I eat lots of roughage and fiber, and I am as regular as clock-work, and take pretty good care of myself.....I never saw Charley after that..

Sooooo. your having a Pity Party over a game? Are your kids healthy? Did the Sun come up today? Do you still have the ability to get laid?...........IT'S A GREAT DAY!!!!! G-Man.


  1. it is a great day!!! I hope I never ever get sick with anything big, I would be such a mess, last year when my brother got cancer I was a freaking zombie for like 3 days....it was awful. Life is good and thanks for reminding us all of that!!!

  2. hey, i'm not complaining. i don't even follow football. not a complaint in the world. yeah, my heart is beating and i can still get laid and my kids and husband are healthy. i'm not even going to complain about janita because for crying out loud i could be dead or paralyzed if i had landed just a few inches to my right (big firggin boulder)...nope no complaints here.

  3. Hey there Galen...I came home for lunch and wanted to drop by to say hello. What a GREAT blog. I so know what you mean and I wish people would be MORE appreciative of their health and life in general instead of the have and have nots and "it's all about me"

    Great job if I do say so myself and I am really happy to hear that you are cancer free.

  4. Jodes, hows it going sweet thing?

    Limey, I so look foreward to your comments, always. thank You so much for caring....Galen

    Jillie, my late nite chat room beach bunny, talk with ya later.

    TC, we are up and running brother. Thank you for your valued input. Us old guys appreciate life differently I think...G

  5. sweet thing huh? cute, i like it. I am ready for the day to be over and get home to my boys....just so you know I RARELY get online at home...so sorry I miss out on the fun at night.

  6. I know Jillie mentioned that. I'm on more at work myself..sometimes, except when there is biz...G

  7. Everytime I think I've got it bad ... my husband's co-worker just had his 5th kid while making $9/hr and most of it going to the mother of his first 3 kids ... the neighbor across the street has cervical and ovarian cancer, my best friend's wife just died.

    Yeah I complain about the little things but I know just how good I have it.


  8. Thats all that matters Angel, as long as you know. I'm really excited about your visits..2 days in a row, thanks a bunch...G

  9. I'm so glad you survived so you could keep us entertained!

  10. Survived what?
    And I've got a comeback...
    Oh Yeah? Says YOU!

    I'm such a scamp!

  11. I meant I was glad you survived your bowel obstruction.

    I need to be entertained and entertained often.

  12. very kind of you to say so, galen. i'm so glad you started this blog so i could read you. i enjoy it immensely.

    now, as to the comment at tc's about me getting up early just to read blogs....i gotta do SOMETHING at that hour to avoid collisions with pancake syrup bottles AND still stay awake!

    and re: us expecting fred astaire....every woman will tell you it's gene kelly we'd like to dance with ;)

  13. My hubby had simaler pain and problems but they put a tube up his you know what a tube down his throat and told me they needed to operate. I went home to call our kids and to drop of 2 of our grandson(they were living with us at the time) and by the time I got back they changed their minds and just pumped fluids into him within a day he was going again and after another day they sent him home. Never did find out what was wrong but I had lots of people tell me maybe he had cancer and they decided not to open him up. That was 6 years ago. He has had the problem once since then he he fixed it himself by drinking lots of fluids. He has always eaten roughage. Im glad he's still here and Im glad you are too.

  14. Lime, NOTHING gets by you. Omnipotent Trini Limey. That everyone absolutely loves..I'll be singin in the rain for you!

    Yes Gabby, I also had the option of no cutting, but I never wanted to endure that kind of pain again. And I have a very high threshold of pain. So keep feeding him lots of fiber!

  15. Well I hate to bust the bubble here but yes, I HAVE to work again and for the rest of the week.

    I'll be checking on you tonight. Late night chat bunny...that's funny!

    Hey that rhymes! LOL

  16. Jillie, are you hopping from room to room?

  17. Mornin Jodes,...'I wish they all could be California girls'....

  18. Thank you Mr. Nostradomus...Now how about the 3rd. race at Hazel Park?

    Hehehehehehehehehehehehe...young man?

  19. 11 inches wholy shit!

    Did I just read your Fred Astair? I just love they way you sing "Singing in the Rain"

    I am really glad your cancer free. No one should have to deal with that.

  20. Ah the prodigal Penguin returns. I sure hope things are settled down now Erika, I missed your kind words. Thanks baby...Galen

  21. ^^^ Still waiting to be entertained......

  22. You forgot...he left the field due to his own teamates.

    So, I was reading at the field, you were home early today playing with yourself.

    Ahhhh ah ah ah ah

    I am giving you a second chance to behave on HNT.

  23. ability to get laid?

    why, yes I do

  24. Than it's a Great Day for Kristen...and one other very lucky person!
    Thanks baby, you Rock!

  25. ...

    I dont know if you know what I was talking about in my post..

    my brain is still foggy

  26. All WORK and NO play today!


  27. I'm NOT happy about it either, thanks for the note.....G

  28. do you only post new stuff when I tell you to???? ;)

  29. Yes!...Now that you ask.
    Your wish is my command!

  30. ` Gee, that's always been one of my worst nightmares because general anesthesia doesn't work on me - it just paralyzes me so it looks like I'm unconscious, but really I can't move or breathe, much less scream. And because I don't like being violated by surgeons against my will in the first place.
    ` I feel really damn great because at least nothing of the sort is forseeable, though I still haven't recovered from that incident. I have a lot of important numb spots, as you may know.
    ` Still, my life is much better than it ever has been before!

  31. Sequin, I hope your car is feeling better soon! As far as the anasthesia goes, it's not that bad.
    Someday you will be Dr. See Quine.
    And I knew you when.

  32. well then, where the heck is your new post....I made that comment hours ago..COME ON man!!! Chop Chop!!

  33. You just inquired, I didn't think you demanded......sorry!

  34. I don't know much about football...

    But, I do believe Da Bears are in the Superbowl.


    That's supposed to be good, I think.

    At least, where I come from.

    I, too, am MUCH glad that everything worked out okay with you, Sir Galen. As having you stumble into my life and my blog as been an immensely beautiful treat. I feel awfully lucky about that.
