Thursday, August 9, 2012

Friday Flash 55.....

Even though Dames like her were a Dime a Dozen....
There was something special about this one!
It wasn't the pungent waft of whiskey and Winstons.
It wasn't the bargain-basement gaberdine skirt hiked past her thigh.
But when she asked if I thought she looked better in heels or flats...
She seemed so innocent!!!

Yeah, some guys are just suckers for a peep-toed pump eh?
If you or anyone you know wears peep-toed pumps, or has written
a Friday Flash 55...Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most graciously obsessive host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!!


KB said...

Oh dear :)

Mine's up.

Have a great weekend all

KB said...

I'm first...what?


hedgewitch said...

Hilarious--and I thought you were changing your fetish after I saw all those Olympic bottoms the other day...good to know you still cherish the toe.

I'm playin, with a poem that kind of tells a story, or maybe paints graffiti:

Lost at Sea

Teresa said...

I'm all about the sensible shoes, but I did write a 55. :-) That illusion of innocence is amazingly effective.

Margaret said...

Peep toes are fine if dancing and a lot of walking are not in the night's plans! My 55 has been done since Sunday!

My 55

Brian Miller said...

heels...for the calves...smiles.

mine is up!

Cloudia said...

footing felicity!

Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

> < } } (°>

Brian Miller said...

of course i am rather fond of barefoot as well...sorry i was late, football practice tonight...

Helen said...

Channeling Detective Sergeant Joe Friday!!!

Alice Audrey said...

It's amazing how innocent the brassy ones can turn out to be.

Mine is up

Janna said...

"The pungent waft of whiskey and Winstons..." Accghh!
Although I guess there are other types of pungent wafts that might be worse. (Maybe.)

Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)

Maude Lynn said...

My, my, my!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

If she's asking anything about her appearance, it's not innocent!

Here's mine: Piñata

JANU said...

Lol..I am (for) flat.

Mine is up here -

MorningAJ said...

It's amazing how girls can convince guys that our intentions are innocent!

I've done a 55 again this week. (With a plot!)

Akelamalu said...

Ah, so it's peep toe pumps that get the male pulse rating? ;)

Mine's up.

Lydia said...

Your posts this week are quite lusty, dear G! I love your 55, but my feet ache thinking about those shoes. :)

Mine is up.

Teuvo Vehkalahti said...

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Jannie Funster said...

I just sold some peep-toed pumps on eBay! Shoulda mailed 'em to YOU!

I like the photo!


Daydreamertoo said...

Loved Bogart and Bacall in their day :)

Mine's up:
I've got the power

Have a fab weekend Galen.

Anonymous said...

Very funny (as always.) But what shoes does she need perched on your desk? And lap!? (Probably too naive to realize.)

Here's mine. HOpe you continue well!


the walking man said...

Your post yesterday forced me to do itAnd damn it was good.

the walking man said...

Gotta say we were sort of running with it. I just read yours at least my guy got a little and I should have named him G-Man but it would have taken 56 words.

izzy said...

Hey barefoot yes! open toe pumps-sorry-no-can-do. Happy weekend! :)

Myrna R. said...

I wrote mine, then forgot to comment here. So sorry. Hope it's not too late.

Your 55 is so funny. I guess men can see innocence wherever they chose.

Take good care G-Man.

happygirl said...

I like the photo and the whiskey and Winstons. :) Mine is here

hope said...

Ah, film noir as a 55. ;)

Mine's now up...happy weekend y'all!

d. moll, said...

no peep toed pumps around here, but my 55 is up, have kick ass weekend and all that ! ! !

Doctor FTSE said...

Reminds me of the classic Mickey Spillane quote "She was a blonde. The kinda blonde who had bishops kicking holes in stained glass windows."

flipside records said...

I've never done your 55 before but would like to start. What are the rules? Do we write to your picture, or just write anything we want in 55 words?

jane hewey said... I really love your Friday Flash 55s. Once, when I was 20-ish, I wore peep-toe pumps on a hike. A very short hike. have a fantastic weekend!

Linc said...

Count me in the sucker crowd, I'm right there with ya. Sorry I'm late, had to write a special edition: Rakoff Collage.

Christine said...

Still can't figure out how to make my link as easy as everyone else's, but here it is. Finally joined in again, it has been a busy summer.

Have a great weekend G!

flipside records said...

Here's my first attempt at writing for your 55. But it's more abstract than it is story, so it may not make the grade.

Unknown said...

Woooohooooooo!!!! Sassy one and I really like it!!! Hhhmmmmm....showing us your romantic side, Galen ? But we already know you are HOT!

I am so so late but I was doing it on my note book and I got to transfer...still learning.

Mine is here


loads of hugs and love,

MorningAJ said...

Note for anyone who might be on Wordpress. I HAVE tried to comment on your blog. Honest. But it keeps telling me it doesn't know me. Odd - because it recognised my Gravatar photo.......