A new event has been added to the 2012 London
Summer Olympics....Blatant Bull-Shitting!
Each country has two representitives, the first
contestant from the U.S. has just finished....
'That was Willard 'Mitt' Romney, next up Galen 'G-Man' Haynes'
(Approaches the dais)
"...Always Beautiful weather"
"Hey...Nice teeth!"
"Ahhh Crumpets...Who needs an Egg McMuffin?"
Grrrr.... Mitt ended up winning the Gold. I did get the Bronze Though!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
haha...so does winning the gold guarantee you a shot at the presidency? smiles...seriously...these are our choices.....ugh...
mine will be up tomorrow pops...
What a game that will be ~ Your politics are fun to watch though ~
Ah the bull-shitters...so many could qualify for it.
Mine's Up.
*slaps Missy for swearing* :)
You're always a winner in our book. :)
Mine will be up by 10 pm.
You know I love ya really Missy *hugs*
Dear old Mitt sure is making friends over there, isn't he?
Mine's up!
What a contest that would be! Great write. Mine is up. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2012/07/26/the-voice-of-wisdom/
I can just imagine. :)
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Mine is up. But Oforgot to mention you G-man. So sorry. I'll go back and fix.
Okay, fixed mine.
Sorry, actually not sorry you didn't win G-man. Your at a much higher level than those contenders.
It's so hard to come in behind someone like that. Then again, did you want to win?
Mine is up
Gag me- Mitt Gags me- sorry...
ha ha kicking ass in London, way to rock that one GMan. Mine is up too, as you know.
I guess this means you aren't quite qualified to lead our country?
Here's mine: Brain Depository
I missed last week...damned if I know how a full week passed without my knowledge!
But for those who remember my first foray into the 55 challenge, A Tidy End, I've written another short that comes after, or is it before?
A Last Straw, Or Three
I love this challenge :)
I'm off on a week long trip to northern central NY at stupid o'clock in the morning, so connectivity will be challenging! I promise to moderate comments and read other's 55s when I can!
So Good!
Can't make this stuff up LOL
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
Politics as an Olympic sport. God help us! (I'm sure you'd win gold at anything you tried though.)
My 55 are here.
Well you make more sense than him!
Mine's up.
so happy to see you back, G!
mine's here ~
lol...he kind of only opened his mouth to change feet, didn't he!..
Bronze...pffft You ARE GOLD!
Ok, mine's up:
What the night knows
You are fucking brilliant. There. I said it. Somehow the Mitt managed to offend the Brits the first time he opened his mouth. He best come home before he totally inplodes. I have one more quote for you:
"I don't believe in outsourcing. All eight of my homes are right here in America."
I can't play today, too much garden/market business to attend to but I wanted to say hello and I LOVE your 55. Have a great weekend.
Aussie Aussie Aussie- Oi Oi Oi... that is the chant in our house, hehe. Seriously... we support every person performing in the Olympics because we know they got there with sheer determination and hard work. I admire all the Olympians :)
Ah, thanks for a great big laugh to start my day! You and Mitt are both batting 100 when it comes to charming those Londoners. (Can't we keep that guy out of Israel....he's likely to start a war or something!)
Mine is a joint one for balance: Olympia.
I can only hope the gold will carry to his presidency. Good one, G-Man. :) Mine is up.
i am somewhere in missouri..on the road, and have about 15 hours ahead of me on the road...so think i will have to hold off til next week g...did visit quite a few this AM...but got busy getting loaded to leave...
have a great weekend man!
Is this for real????
I just have a heart attack!
I love it...Awesome 55!!!!
Great picture too!
huge hugs
Mine is here
Excellent, and congratulations on your medal. Personally I was hoping Mitt would compete in the javelin catching event! Here are 55 words about flowers
You should win, hands down. My 55 is coming to you from Jaipur, India where I'm staying for almost six months.
not quite home yet...still hours away...we finally had to call it quits...way too much time an enclosed space and the boys were getting way too wild with so many hours left...so we stopped for the evening and taking a little break while they swim some of the energy out and i am off to bed...oy....
You are brilliant! So fun! BSing has lots of contenders.
Here's mine - late, sorry. http://g-man-mrknowitall.blogspot.com/
Agh! I gave you your own site! Because I linked it.
Here's MINE! http://manicddaily.wordpress.com/2012/07/27/this-old-dog-friday-flash-55/
or just go to http://Manicddaily.wordpress.com
It's a dog's life.
Galen, I am so glad you are well. Life wasn't the same without you. I have been enjoying India - hey, I only stayed home 2-1/2 months and I'm back for a 5-1/2 month stay. I lost 25 lbs first go round and I'd like to do that again.
The only really bad thing is that the wine here SUCKS and I can't find a good rare steak.
G-Man you were robbed!!!!
Definitely a gold for the Queen, HERE! LOL
love your blog site. always makes me smile AND laugh. been in the woods for a few days and missed friday 55 but it's not to late to read all the links above. you tell a good story, g-man, and gather quite an interesting crowd. cheers to you.
you're a rank novice compared to the politicians.
we'll get d bronze gold-plated Gman :) no.worries...
mine is here: http://artofleo.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/falling-red-drops/
we'll get d bronze gold-plated Gman :) no.worries...
mine is here: http://artofleo.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/falling-red-drops/
Hahaha, we should have seen that one coming! :-D
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