Boiled or Burnt
Fried or Grilled
You can eat them Toasted
You can eat them Chilled
New York Style, Chicago....Cheese?
I'll have two Coney Islands please!!!!
Mustard, ketchup, onions, kraut
They may contain lips....Sometimes Snouts!!!
At a Picnic, Open House, or any Ball Game
Without one of these Treats...It Just Ain't the Same!!
Whats more Summer than Power Outages and Hot Dogs Eh?
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!
I'll pretend they are veggie dogs and say mmmm. Nice summery post. So good to have you back.
Mine is up but it's erotic so don't go there if that kind of thing doen't appeal to you. Tell Me No
We have been having grilled food lately too ~
My share is up:
whassup g...sorry i am late....getting ready to bolt on vacation tonight..missouri...14 hour drive...so...i will be around but will catch most late tomorrow...
as for dog, love them...chili and mustard please...onions as well...that is the standard...but i def like the jalepenos on them as well...
mine is up!
My favorite part was the post label! That is too funny!
Mine is up!
Ill just have a hebrew national with mustard please!
Heyyyy G man!
Lips and snouts. I don't think I'm missing a thing!
alright, i am out...be back tomorrow afternoon to catch up and return comments
One thing about Summer - it isn't that hard to cook dinner even when there's a power outage. It's not fun grilling out in the snow.
Mine is up
I love chili dogs.
I try really hard not to think about the lips and snouts.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
You forgot to mention the lovely vegetarian option! Mine is up. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2012/07/19/shoveling-shit/
We used to have summer hot dog parties at one of my previous jobs. Since it was a very ethnically diverse department I always insisted on veggie dogs being available so everyone could find something to enjoy.
Thanks for the little visual of a summertime treat!
Partial Least Squares
tube steaks!
sorry i didn't play along....i'm about as fried as one of those dogs. but i am still glad to see you're back in action!
i don't really like hot dogs of any sort. I do, however, like this poem and I eat condiments by the spoonfuls. my 55 post is up. http://janehewey.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/no-take/
...bratwurst, please! Everything on it except saurkraut. I am on vacation and don't have anything prepared as I spent the evening visiting with my 85 year old parents and their dog (the things they allow that dog to do... It is crazy. They were much stricter with us kids. I hope to give you a Petoskey 55 next week! :). I do have an "almost 55" that is my last post...I think it is two words short. ,up I won't link as it would be cheating, I guess.
Nice apron G!
My 55 this week is a poem.
Heavy on the onions. Mustard. Hold the kraut plase!
I love 'em.
I've 55d here.
the neighbors always had the BEST condiments...Chunked out another 55 and got in the FLASH this time. Yeah and have that kick ass week end.
I just love to eat!!!!
You are looking great and
look delicious in that outfit!!!
An awesome 55, Mr.G!
I have missed you and the gang at 55!
Mine is The Dinner
I'll be over there with Nara Malone eating veggie dogs. Striking grill apron you are wearing, you fantastic host. (Don't overdo...you are still healing!)
Twilight Zoned
Oh, all of those look sooooo yummy!
I did one on food too.
Your 55 is at the bottom, if you don't want to read it all Mr G-Man
Carnival and Lobster Season
Have a great weekened Galen :)
I'll take the Chicago, thanks~~
Hope those dogs help sell a bunch of cars!!
RYN: I'm originally from England but became a proud Canadian citizen and, have made PEI my home for over the past 10 years. Love it here! :) But, I still get told I 'Tawk funny'... haha
Nice wiener!! remember the 11th commandment. Though shall not disgrace thy hot dog with ketchup.So it be said, so it be done.
Onions and Mustard on mine please!
Mine's up. x
You have to respect a Grill Father. :)
Mine's up...happy weekend!
Oh yes Summer indeed!
Can't wait!
we are hosting a picnic tomorrow-you can drop in if you like!
Coneys are my favorite, but I rarely snub any dog - especially grilled!
I wouldn't recommend reading my Friday 55 before eating, or afterwards for that matter! But the brave can find it HERE.
Mine is super late, but it's posted now.
Have a great weekend G-man.
Oh, forgot to comment on your hot dogs. Um, can't too much. I'm vegetarian, but I do eat the meatless kind, sans snouts.
Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and... some car brand. All great American things. I woke to the news of the shooting in Colorade, so my 55 is about the not-so-great. *Warning: strong language alert. But if you still want to look
it's here
Great one! Made me hungry.
Mine: Brothers
That's awesome!!!! Loved the way you rhymed.. Fantastic!!!
Someone is Special
I saw a sign at a Chicago hot dog stand, "It is considered bad manners and harmful to your taste buds to put ketchup on your hot dog within the city limits of Chicago." I believe this is true. Great post.
Here's my 55 http://beinghappygirl.blogspot.com/2012/07/what-comes-of-whining.html
Euwwww!!!! But funny! What about tofu-pups!?????
(Ha. I'm vegetarian but don't eat those either. Not much worse than the snouts of soy beans.)
Mine is up - I warn you it's really kind of grim - I hate to link grim stuff here, but all I could think to do today, so anyway-
hey hey...made it to branson...smiles...thanks to those that visited while i braved the roads...will make my way around here in a bit...
umm no onions or mustard please
Chez G back in the house !!!!!
a meal served best any way we get it
Peace to you my friend
oh yea
Serving up your best G - as always
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