Famous last words...
"I'm just a little buzzed"!
Poor Randy. Sentenced to 3 Years
for Drunk Driving because he couldn't afford a
good lawyer. Randy now shares a cell with a bull-queer
named Zagnut, and a guy known only as 'Fritz', who wears
a monocle fashioned from a paper clip and a shoe lace!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the most Tea-Totaling Host from coast to Coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
(But don't drive if you're drinking!)
A paper clip and shoe lace? It might fall off though ....
I am playing this week ~ Happy spring day ~
oh joy...should be a lot of fun after the lights go down...and he might want to invest in some soap on a rope...one more reason not to drink and drive....
mine is up
I suppose his other line to the arresting officer was "I can't drive 55!" Thanks for the cautionary tale,G.
I'm playin, but won't be able to get to returning visits till Saturday:
Red Flower
Sounds like a party!
HERE is my 55 for this week.
hedgewitch has the best comment on this! bravo to her. and well, good luck to randy.
i'm up here
... I just may NEVER drink again...
Fragile Cord
The drinking should not have been followed by the driving. Should have walked.
Mine is up
Perhaps if more people heard Randy's story, we wouldn't see so many drunk drivers? Way to go, G-Man...F55 public service message! :)
I played this week. Mine is HERE.
Zagnut = Best Name EVER.
I wish I'd thought of it.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
A night in the drunk tank is all he'd likely get. And some hefty fines.
Flash FICTION!!!!
Not Flash REAL=LIFE!
Although some juxtaposition is afoot!
hey pops...you will never be a wind up toy to me...nor are you archaic...nor do i spread myself thin just to play...smiles...i thoroughly enjoy the 55s...have for years...and while we seem to have cycled down in numbers that is not a bad thing...there are only a handfull of people here that just show up and never read anyone...other than that its a tight nit group...so dont ever think you are not doing a great job with it....or that you are a toy on a shelf...
you are the man...and never forgotten...thats why i stop in pretty much every day regardless...
feel free to delete this if you want...or leave it...
much love pops,
The monocle is thoroughly creeping me out. It takes "I spy with my little eye" to a whole different level, G!
My 55: At Last!
Yep, drinking and driving don't mix. Be a grownup about it and just choose one!
Here's mine: Aloft
Never been to jail. Hope to never darken the doors of one.
I thougth Zagnut was a kind of snack with beer??
Love you G-daddy!
I'm just checkin' in too, but have no 55 to link. I thought about it, but 55 soon doubled (rant ensued). You're 55, bizarre fun as always...Cheers!
thanks for reminding us, G!
my re-post will be up on Friday and i'll be back to link in.
Is drunk driving still a big problem over there? This will be one way to cure it!
I've done 55 again this week.
Poor Randy...drinking is to blame.
mine - http://janukulkarni.blogspot.in/2012/03/light.html
Life can be hell.
You'll find mine here.
HERE's mine
Funny. But I'm getting a bigger kick out of seeing that it took 355 followers to convince you to join your own blog!!!!!
Mine is Balanced
Good weekend to you.
Look Ma 3 weeks running
Hope Randy is a small man, ready to live up to his name...everyone just needs a little love.
Awww... Poor sod!
Mine is done and dusted
Have a great weekend Mr G-Man :)
Well that might be the best PSA for not driving drunk I ever read. ;)
Mine's up. Happy weekend!
Just don't drop the... monocle? Mine's up: A tribute to nerd girls.
Hey G-Man, I'm following your theme of 'behind bars'!
have a peek
shoe lace and paper clip veritable weapons all in 55...
So Sorry Mr G that I'm late / my son got in late from college last night from school and we talked all night
sea worthy
hope everyone has a delightful spring weekend
my trigger finger and my linky finger are broken or something
Nice turnout today, G-Man, and here is my Flash 55, WHITE INDIAN WANNABE.
Actually that link was to my pal, Palmer's great limericks; here's my 55:
Thankfully I have a designated other! And thanks for the warning! A good lawyer is important! I'm in but I've done the whole thing on a movie train on iPhone so can't vouch for results and kind of rope-a-dope drawing. Have a great weekend mr. G. K.
Sorry can't get the iPhone to cut and paste exact link but this will get you there. thanks much.
MovING train not movie train. See what I mean! K.
The key point here is line #4.
If you have money in this country you don't do time.
I don't have time today to participate but had to take a peek.
Ah, there's no mate like a cell mate! Good one, G-Man!
Oi! Not a good place to be!
I am joining in late, but I think you will like my 55 this week G! ;)
Poor Randy is in the wrong place!
So sorry G, I really thought I had left a comment here yesterday! I did drop by honestly. x
Hoping I'm not too late.
Here's mine
happy saturday g...
swinging back through to grab the last couple
hope the skies are clear and the wheels are humming...
Hope I am not too late with my flash fiction :)
here it goes :)
That´s harsh! ;-) Hope you´re having a great weekend!
Definitely don't want to skimp on the lawyer. I totally missed this week with the lack of sleep waiting for kids to arrive.
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