The G-Man doesn't drink very often, but when
he does indulge, it's always a beveridge of Top Shelf
quality. I've had my eyes on this vodka for awhile.
It's Canadian eh? It's also owned by the very funny and
Web-Toed Dan Ackroyd. A quart of this stuff costs $99.00
This bottle was a 'Fifth' and it was on sale for....
FIFTY-FIVE Dollars!!!
Of course I just HAD to buy it....
Se you Thursday 8:00 PM EST
I saw this in a package store some time ago. Almost bought it just for the bottle but I knew I wouldn't drink it.
It matches my skull shotglasses--!--however, the vodka, it is not for me anymore. Strictly a wino these days(except for margaritas--not givin them up til they pry them from my cold dead lips.)
See you tomorrow, for about, oh, 55 reasons.
the name of it just makes me laugh.
dude...wicked cool bottle...oo hedge ritas are nice....
yeah just gotta hold that skull in yer hand, eh!?
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
Gave one as a gift once and I believe the report on the taste and quality ran to about 55 reasons why my friend liked it. I think we can assume that Ackroyd is a vodka drinker. Which would explain about 5/5ths of his movies.
And how's the taste?
See you tomorrow.
PS I have no idea what a Bakkie is. I received the joke in an email and don't know who wrote it. x
I will drink to that!
Oh my. . .
All the 'Head' jokes. . .
Did you buy that for yourself, or did someone give it to you?
And I don't know. . . I'm feeling a little bad now, that my next birthday will be my 56th. . .
A fortuitous price-point to be sure.
Hell, you had to buy it for that awesome skull bottle if nothing else!
Mmmmm ..... vodka ....
Haha... of course you had to buy!
Love those crystal skulls, cheap at half the price ;)
Well worth the money, just like I'm worth the wait. C'mon and post already! I've got my finger on the trigger and I'm aching to go.
It was obviously destiny, G. So was it any good? Or was it all a case of skulduggery in advertising? ;)
can I have the empty bottle? LOL sorry I dont drink any more because of all the meds theyve got me on and Mr Gab quite 32 yrs ago! Hope it was good
I loves me my vodka! On the rocks with a twist of lemon! Nice!
I have used 55 words to rant ....
55 teeth too?
You always have gr8 pre Friday warm ups
Vodka and skulls go well with everything. Sorry I missed Friday, looks like you and the other 55ers had good times.
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