Socrates was a man of vision.
His teachings prompted mankind to
question the nature, purpose, and properties
of the Universe.
Thank goodness his students Plato and Xenophon
shared his inquisitive philosphical genius.
He had less visionary disciples!
The worst of the lot, Dildonyus, saw the World as
a Dank Jungle...Plunging ever deeper into Darkness!!
We all reach Immortality in our own way....
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the Dankest Darkest Host from coast to coast..
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
bwahaha...cut the light on...its dark...and there are creepy things in the jungle...
my 55 is up
Dildonyus!!??! Puleeze. This is the ultimate groaner, G.
HERE is my 55 for this week.
I love your takes on history. Good stuff, my friend - and thanks, once again, for hosting this. =)
Here's mine, Yup.
And, yes, I got/chuckled at the joke!
i think the 'size' of your philosophy may have scared some people off...
What a deep philosophical post ~
Just wanted to drop by and say Hi as I am busy with my haiku poems ~
Will link up next week ~ Wishing you a great weekend ~
Plunging into something, anyway...quite the philosopher tonight, Mr. G.
I'm playin...on words, and stompin em flat, with a nice gloomy little piece called
Leaves of Absence
Okay, you got me. I laughed out loud!
lmao, how quickly you descend. you crack me up, gman!
It's fun to say "Xenophon" over and over again.
Mostly because it sounds like a Martian overlord who plays the xylophone.
Thanks for another Friday 55.
Mine's here. :)
You are such a rascal, G.
Such a philosphical tease you are. Dildonyus indeed. I'm never first, but I wrote Drinking A Dead Man's Beer for your Friday gig.
A thought provoking and humorous philosophical share tonight, G-Man...I like it! Mine is for the birds: http://bodhirose.wordpress.com/2012/02/23/tame-wild-birds/
Enjoy your weekend! xo
LOL. Yeah, he found himself in a hole 'nuther realm.
Mine is... um... up
I don't know who deserves the bigger eye roll - the x-rated philosopher of your imagining, or that tedious bore, Plato!
I wrote of a philosopher with simpler tastes: Road to Pietown
This is some philosophy I did not know...mine is here...
Perrrleeese G-Man! This is a family blog! It's DIONYSUS, the God of Boozing, Drunken Revelling, Puking on the Pavements, Beating up cops and each other, rippin' the drawers of drunken whores, setting fire to litter bins, throwing empty bottles around, and what was I saying about a family blog?
And sometimes, even honesty may be questioned, let alone the Universe...
Philosophy with fun. I like that.
You'll find mine here.
Oops! And HERE's the link.
Try again! Thanks, Jinksy. Leaving the LINK is a great idea!
I don't want to be immortal life's hard enough as it is sometimes .LOL
Mines' up:
Oh what a night
Have a great weekend :)
Oh very subtle! LOL
Mine's up.
Dildonyus?? Never heard of him. . .
Waaaaaaiiittt a minit. . .
I know a few people who think the world's a dank jungle.....
My old friend Dianne was one of them! She was my 55 inspiration this week.
Interesting class you hold each week ;)
At the Grocer's store
Let us hope we can avoid the Dank Jungle!!! *Grin*
Excellent! Love the Friday morning history lesson. ;)
Here's mine at Roses to Rainbows.
You are waxing philosophical this week! I have stuck with political--jungle enough!
The above is not in code--here's my attempt at the link.
Usage Matters--Santorum and Disconnected Ponderous Nouns
You'll forever be immortal in MY books, G-Man.
You'll forever be immortal in MY books, G-Man.
I always learn something here. Sometimes I wonder about the teacher, but... :)
Mine's up. Happy Friday!
Morning, Galen: Believe it or not, my 55er is up! Enjoyed your philoso--fickle post! haha Have a good weekend. D
You never cease to amaze me with your vast knowledge of history! I'm late, but I'm up.
Dildonyus??? I'm not going to say where my mind went with that one. I'm sticking with the dark philosophers this week, though.
A recipe for disaster here.
i was shocked! stunned! speechless! amazed at the serious nature of your post... unheard of! then i continued reading....
i should've known it wasn't so! {giggle}
mine is up but that's about all i can say about it... better than nothin' i guess.
have a FABulous weekend, G!
G-man, all I can do is laugh this week, but hey, that's about what I do every Friday!
Too good!
Here is mine
Gotta love anything that plunges in a dank dark jungle.
Flash 55 - Strange but True
Maybe he was less visionary because he only had one eye. *smirk*
My 55 is up.
I'm a little late to the party...you are a deep thinker:-) here's my 55
Hey, what fun G-Man, here is my Flash 55 of this week, JIHAD: http://bibliosity.blogspot.com/2012/02/jihad.html
well I need a good chuckle now !
come and get it
Peace ☮
I'm fashionable late once again, but finally mine is here:
Damn I need to up my game.
55 Flash Fiction Friday: I’m Late
Better late than not at all... right?
You and your dark jungles of words inspire me, G-man.
I composed approx 55 words in the parking lot just before my son was released from school. Have a great weekend!
for some reason, I keep thinking of ladies who blog or show case love to others,
here is a lady you may like to see,
Thanks for reading.
great 55 word story.
Thanks for you kind words G-Man!
Oh G, you dirty dog!Or perhaps that was just me with my mind running to the gutter.
Nope, lots of others rolling around in here too with me. haha No 55 for you this week my friend, but I am visiting a few of your folks anyway. Have a kick-ass weekend my friend!
ha ha ha ha I like jungle travel myself but then some people prefer the beaches of Brazil.
got to be honest, i am a little disappointed pops...and frustrated...and i am pretty sure you know the 55 i am refering to...
Now that was something different... Unexpectedly differnt, but I like it G-man.
Mine is here: http://artofleo.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/the-cult/
How was I to know that the Ten of Diamonds was The Big Casino?
you know i love you man...
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