OK Peeps...Short and Sweet!
Name me one person that when you see them on the tube,
You immediately reach for the remote...
Because you can't stand them under any circumstances!
(You may use one of the above jerks)
For me...? It's all of these Jack-Asses!!!
For me, it would have to be someone from kiddie shows, cuz that's pretty much all that's ever on at my house...so I vote for the dude on Yo Gabba Gabba. Google it if you don't know who it is...
the wiggles....
any of the various "real" housewives, the cast of jersey shore, any of the kardashians
Rachal Ray
Fortunately, the one I most couldn't stand to watch retired a few years ago and went home to not ride horses. Now? The Donald, perhaps.
"Will I run? Hmm, not sure. Yes, OK, I'll run. It'll be fun. On the other hand... Maybe I should rethink that... No, no, I think I might run."
I'm pleased to say that I don't recognise any of those (except Simon Cowell and I agree with you)
For me it's John Cleese. Yes, I know that makes me a target for hate mail. But he just makes me angry.
Not sure you see him over there but
KEITH LEMON (http://www.keithlemon.co.uk/)
just drives me insane and makes me feel sick!
I'd have to put Gordon Ramsey on my list, along with anything with "New Jersey" or "Housewives" in the title.
But one man's trash is another's treasure of course... SOMEBODY must be watching all these idiots, or they wouldn't be so darned popular.
(Upon scanning my fellow posters, even I take exception to a few of their choices - but to each his own!)
Yeah, for adult tv, it would be Dr. Phil - what an ass he is. Oh, and pretty much any reality TV personality. Dregs of society.
In the kiddie realm, there are so many it makes me cringe to even thing about. Your first comment about Yo Gabba Gabba is bang-on though. Something very wrong with that dude.
"Real Housewives" and Yo Gabba Gabba drives me NUTS...
but confession time... I love Simon Cowell. I would probably hate him if I were to meet him in person, though. (I just can't explain it...)
But I can probably count on two hands how many times I have watched his program so I am NOT the one rocketing him into popularity and wealth.
I agree with you on your picks, well, of the ones I recognize (I don't know the second guy.) Who else? Anything wearing a Power Ranger suit. I can also agree with Brian on the wiggles, they're creepy.
Yours... plus all those stupid Kardashians and Jerry Springer!
hands down that Oprah doctor dude is the most annoying of the cluster of annoyance there.
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