It's more acceptable to ask your wife for
an Open Marriage, than it is to hide taxable
income in the Caymans?
I'm not condoning either choice, I'm just asking...
How could this issue have POSSIBLY propelled Newt
to the forefront? Are people amazed by the fact that
he could even get a chick at all?
Maybe Newt plays Enigma CD's when doing the Wild Thing?
Poor Mitt.... He needs to get a REAL vice!!!
they are both horrible choices as leaders of the country. just ghastly all the way around.
and for a party that seems so hooked on "family values" i dunno how newt could get any kind of backing. mitt just stands for nothing other than saying what he thinks will get him elected.
because this is who has been placed before us...our right to vote is limited by who 'they' put before us...freedom go figure...
I think asking for the open marriage thing is better because then the old lady could whoop my ass right there and then, unless of course she had just been diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy like his second wife,Marianne had been. One thing about gnewt is that you can grab it and it will shed it's tail and grow another.
With Willard and his hidden millions he is just trying to be like his daddy selling a company off and closing down and killing the jobs of the people who worked in the different divisions. Can you imagine what a Javelin would look and perform like today? Then after screwing thousands of people out of their pensions and retirements he went on to run something larger than a corporation and screwed millions at a time.
Fuck 'em all, they are after all prostitutes to a man and woman elected to any office, there only for the money and power to be inn the new American aristocracy nothing else.
Sometimes I wonder why anyone would WANT the job of President?! There don't seem to be enough positives to outweigh the complaints and accusations.
Unless, of course, YOU'D like the job g-man. ;)
ugh...politicians. Can't live with them, can't live without em...or could we?? Hey, thanks for checking up the other day! I'm fine, just haven't sat still long enough to write (or read much for that matter). Hope you are well, G-man :)
When I found out this morning that the Newt won SC, I was like...what? The so-called social conservative, religiously pompous South Carolinian Republicans voted for the Newt?? I guess the problem is that they don't have a candidate worth voting for. Have you ever noticed how his mouth is permanently turned down? At least Perry is back in Texas where he can only wage his war on women locally.
Oh, and he's so damn ugly. At least Mitt is easier on the eyes.
You guys need to change your voting structure to the Canadian way, we vote for the party, their platform, not the guy. Ever read about naughty bits in the Canadian free press, no, we could care less who is boinking who, we want a better free medicare, lower taxes and save those damn trees. But seriously, even up here we feel our choices are limited and our hands are tied behind our backs.
I would not vote for any of them! It is pretty frightening what type of individual we find running for office.
The reason it is news is that he presents himself as a proponent of the "sanctity of marriage" and is an utter hypocrite. He should just shut his yap about the whole family values stuff if he doesn't want his own personal foolishness aired.
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