Forget about the meaning of Life!
Forget about the gender of God!
Forget about Bigfoot!
Forget about how Brian Miller can make 769 Comments a day!
I wanna know if it's pronounced...
Care-uh-mel...Or Car-mull?
I know how it's spelled, but is the 'A' silent?
Please...I just Got to know!!!
And Dear Peeps...Have a Kick Ass Week!!!
I want to know how Brian does it..he..he...
Car uh mel...that looks delicious ~
Happy week ~
hey whats that supposed to mean...smiles...
i pronounce it mmm...mmm...mmm...
Happy Sunday,
your poem is profound.
now my question:
But then there's always car-MELL...
Care-uh-mel - of course!
well, being Canadian it's pronounced care-eh-mel of course
Depends where you live! Here in the south, it probably has five syllable counts! I am a northern girl at heart, so "Carmull".
I'm with you. I think Brian gets around quite a bit~maybe he has a twin he's never told us about.
Seriously, how does he do it? I WANT TO KNOW TOO!! He is everywhere! I have told him that I think he is a team of people, but he just laughs.
and I would add the eh, cus I am Canadian ehhh. :)
Who cares how it's pronounced just love the taste...
It's pronounced toffee! :)
(And I want to know how Brian Miller can ANSWER 769 Comments a day.....) You know I'm just jealous, don't you?
Now who is jealous of Brian Miller...forgot!
Brian Miller is just plain popular!
Car-mull here in Michigan, but you knew that! It's only care-a-mell on tv commercials.
And don't look now, but Brian is up to 933 comments a day!
I agree about the Brian mystery. I say care-amel. Which hurts my tooth eee-namel.
I'm sorry I haven't played lately--hard times--look forward to it. K.
Make that tooth enaaamel. K.
Oh G, you've hit upon one of the very few ongoing quarrels between my wife and me. I'm 'cara-mel', she's 'car-mul'. Altho, I suppose that, per Fireblossom, since we're in Michigan, she wins. . .
I think "carmel" is just a mid-westernization, as Fireblossom mentioned. I've heard it pronounced that way my whole life.
(I never had a "caramel apple" it was always a "carmel apple")
I didn't really hear "caramel" until I started watching The Food Network. Also, spell-check doesn't recognize "carmel" and wants to make it "caramel" instead.
Brian Miller can make 769 Comments a day! WOW!
Have a great week ahead brother
CAREmullll- hehHeh...
Hahahahaha - and here I've only been coming around on Fridays! How does Brian make all those comments?????
And it's car-mul, but only if you're hukt on fonix ;-)
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