"I'm smelling your moustache Watson".
"You've been with a woman. A French woman that
you met at a dockside pub. I detect the faint aroma
of Lobster, Garlic, and Saffron.....BOUILLABAISSE!!!
The same proportion used at The Smirking EEL!!!"
And the woman...?
"French women rarely bathe...
Champagne Vinegar...From the Ay Provence"!!!
Who knew Ole Watson gave an occassional Moustache Ride?
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most investigative host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!!
haha...ewww...that is so wrong g...i am never going to be able to read holmes again...
my 55 is up.
I need some personal space, Holmes ~
And I like that dish. Ha..ha...
Playing along..here is mine:
Damn, missed it by a minute. So where does this Homes guy hang out anyway?
That Brian, always the over-achiever.
You've considerably expanded my 'feel' for the Conan Doyle canon with this insight into Watson's secret life, G.
I have a nice morbid little offering tonight, from one of my dreams,naturally-- so expect the worst:
Here's mine, hope I don't get myself in trouble with this one, I scrambled the name up, maybe they won't notice.
I'll have one up in the morning!
Blushing..... but leaving link to mine anyway...
Elementary, my dear. Keen olfactory observation.
Is that your supper we're seeing, G? Enjoy! Think I'll go heat up my leftover spaghetti soup...
Fickle Love
I believe that my current post has exactly 55 words,
will go back to double count after this comment.
Thanks for the inspirations.
your 55 is quite amusing and interesting.
yes, i have a 55 up.
I wouldn't mind getting close if Holmes looks anything like Robert Downey, Jr.! My FF55 for this week is once again more non-fiction. Sorry.
I Want it All
It IS funny, though, my "Magpie Tales" post Shades of Grey just happened to be 55 WORDS! I didn't plan it. Just goes to show you this FF55 seeps into one's brain!
Never bothered with reading Sherlock Holmes, it just didn't appeal. Until now. Hahaha!
And guess what? I managed to find 55 words this week too. :)
Mine is HERE.
Making BOUILLABAISS is not elementary!! And neither is writing flash 55.
Mine is up.
did hedge say feel conan doyle's canon...
terrible pun...smiles.
Why Brian...?
I believe she DID!
Totally changes my view of Victorian England. Mine is up. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2012/01/05/the-fool/
LOL and yuk....very imaginative though.
lol! I always suspected those two were more than "friends". Holmes is a truly dedicated detective, isn't he? ;)
My 55: The Opening
You really have gone all steamy.
I turn to the Bouillabaisse- which I do not use tomato in; I stay with fish stock.
My 55 is straight out of this afternoon.
I just saw the second Sherlock movie...and i could almost see that happening ;) I am gonna try my best to put up a 55 tomorrow, but it will be on the later side of tomorrow :)
LOL! Oh dear. I did NOT just laugh. Really. I totally deny it.
Mine is up
Words fail me. Way to link a lot of interesting images, though - photographic, illustrative, and mental!
Here's mine: Holiday
Oh good grief. I just read this twice and I realize what a mustache ride is now! Ha ha. Well, I couldn't get that close even if Sherlock looks like Robert Downey Jr. As I am happily married. I should have known to give that phrase a longer pondering!
Yeah, I bugged out over Christmas. Sorry about that. I'm glad to be back.
sooooo close to going over the line, G!
several lines, actually. {smile}
i'm trying for a 55 but it won't go up till Friday. i'll be back.
Dang, G, don't know what is more fun...your 55, or the sidebar commentary it instigates! Gotta warn ya, no music today. I thought I needed to support my now, very over exposed state, and show that we are "Nice".
I've always thought Watson had a secret side!
I'm in the garden this week.
Nice picture and wry tale to go with it. I always had my suspicions about those two...
Here's mine: Final Moment
About time for his secret diary to published, perhaps?
You'll find mine here.
You dirty old blogger! ;-)
Anyway, just wanted to tell you, I´m up over here: King Bore Flash Fiction
Have a great weekend!
my 55 is up, G!
have a FABulous weekend!
Oh. So they were private detectives? Who knew!
Mine is: Parker.
For a well made Bouillabaisse any man might move off his mar...errr his own way for a bowl full.
PS...I got a deal for you G-man you ride 'em on your Harley and I'll ride 'em on my mustache.
No one can ever say we Michigan boys don't have each others back!
That is so wrong on so many levels! LOL
I'm going to add to the distaste by passing on a saying I heard
"Only two things smell like fish and one of them is fish!"
Mine 55 is up.
LOL U R soooo badddd!
Mine is up. Somehow you always make me take a walk down memory lane. LOL
Queens Park No pun intended with your pic....haha
Mine's up!
Maybe I should put Sherlock Holmes on my reading list...
I wrote a little story this week, but not nearly as creative as yours. It's here.
What's up, Doc?
(That's what SHE said!)
My 55 was inspired by my recent visit to the gym: Exercise
New to your blog.... I laughed and ewwwed.
I like the idea of a 55 word story. I might have to go and do that now.
Mine's up. Have a great weekend!
Hahaha??? Where did that come from?
Here's a little something for ya:
my 55 - http://janukulkarni.blogspot.com/2012/01/what-were-you-thinking.html
Wow, who knew you could glean so much information from someone's moustache. Good tale.
Here's mine at Roses to Rainbows
This could twang a few . . G-Man Strings
I've finally found the gumption to rejoin ya'll...and with a piece inspired by reality unfortunately. Oh well. Love the Holmes bit. Excellently done.
Mine is here:
personally perfect and pleasantly disgusting !...free rides for the ladies?
rock it G !!!
my 55
oh lordy, i just don't know what to say to that other than it makes my 55 seem even weirder than it already it...
here you go.
This is a good new short spin on a old tale!
Don't tell Jude Law!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
Ha, I love it!
Inspiration struck late, but it struck nonetheless.
swinging through to see if anyone new joined in over night...have a great weekend g!
My apologies to all this week-I have contracted some sort of nasty crud that does bad things to my stomach and makes my head start to fall off whenever I get on the computer--thanks to all who came by to read, and I will do better at returning visits next time.
Oh, and bri--G--I heard that! If I weren't feeling puny you'd be in bigger trouble even than usual.
happy new year everyone! here's mine.. http://thesilenceoftheday.blogspot.com/2012/01/sea-shell.html
G-man, I´ve been a little bit bad. But only because I really don´t think you will mind. I hope you won´t.
I know stealing is bad, even pics on the internet, but I just needed to borrow your blog header for a post...if you DO mind just let me know and I´ll take it away right away, ok?
You see you´re my favorite this week, so I needed that pic, ok?
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