The energetic bell ringer smiled and repeatedly
shouted..."Thank You and Merry Christmas", to all
that spared what change they could.
At the day's end, The Bucket's tally was $550.55!!
Smiling..He texted his BOSS; Quota Satisfied, by 55 Cents,
Awaiting Further Instructions!
(within seconds, the reply text)
'Sheath your sword Michael, Armageddon postponed until...
Thank you everyone that tossed some money into that
random bucket...And helped Save The World!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most Ho Ho Holiday Lovin Host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End...
Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!
*looks around*
Well, must be Armageddon. Where is everyone?
I'm up.
Guess you can ho-ho-holiday over there... :)
Linkage. Because it’s more fun that way.
Thank you St. Michael! Let's hope you meet your quota next year as well!
I had fun with my name over HERE
over by 55 cents. That is a miracle. :)
I will be back in the morning to read the 55's. Merry Christmas everyone.
Peace & Joy to All
They do say the countdown clock is ticking. But that's okay, I love a good surprise.:)
All quiet on the Western front G? I am taking a brief break before diving back into present wrapping. Merry Christmas sir & thank goodness we got our 55 in for another year. Way to go Mikey! :)
I guess a link would help too.
Glad to hear the world has been spared~at least for a while!
Mine is up.
I didn't drop anything in the kettle at all.
Maybe someone can arrange armageddon to come a little sooner for me.
After the day I've had, it might be a welcome diversion.
Thanks for another Friday 55.
Mine's here. :)
And if you tried to go to my blog earlier today and got an error message saying it had been deleted, I explained that here. :o
Jingle Bells ( well they always sound pretty and coins are scarce)
Thank you for ho-ho-hosting 55 weeks out of the year G...
Wishing all of you wonderful memories with family and friends
Enjoy Christmas
Bless the Salvation Army.
I had to get in on one more of these for 2011. Love Me Hard
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Linkage Helps.
If it doesn't work this time, will you delete these extra comments and then commit me?
Merry Christmas, G-Man. Glad the world has been spared for a bit longer :)
Oh no! This might be the last Christmas as we know it :)
Seasonal with a twist, Galen. Perfect :)
My 55: Serendipity
so we got one year left...what are we gonna do with it....nice 55 g
Gee, and I thought I was only saving the lady down the street.
Mine is up
The Salvation Army does a lot for people--they get my spare change, and even some folding money sometimes. Loved your Christmas 55, Galen--I'm sorry I got nothin' tonight, unless you'd like to read 5500 words about the great Scandanavian tradition known as the Yule Goat. ;_)
A Very Merry Christmas to All the 55ers!
And here I thought I was just helping provide a meal for someone down on their luck. I had no idea I was saving the world!
Here's mine: Destiny
Cool. mine is here - http://janukulkarni.blogspot.com/2011/12/sos.html
I don't worry about armageddons - they never come true.
Merry Christmas dude.. i did spare some change yesterday.
Ah, what would we do without Armageddon to look forward to :-)
You'll find mine here.
When is the next date?
Here is mine, after SO very long:
citizen of dreams
A great 55 with a beautiful message. Thanks, G-Man.
I actually sent a check to the SA this year. A paltry donation compared to what someone in Portland, OR, dropped in one of their buckets.
Rare gold coin worth $1,600
Mine is up. Happiest of holidays to you!
p.s. I did not mean that anything to do with Armageddon is a beautiful message! Meant giving to the Salvation ARmy!
I didn't realise we could BUY our way out of it! Best start saving up for next year.
I've done a festive 55
Glad we have another year to screw it all up ;)
Here's mine:
Have a great weekend Mr G-Man Merry Christmas to you and yours. Thanks for all the smiles.
You always give me the smiles.
My post was up yesterday but I didn't get a chance to link in as I was out.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays ~
My wife worked for the SA and did their books. A bunch of damned thieves and scam artists. did you know that a non profit does not have to pay unemployment insurance and SA voluntarily doesn't even though they can well afford to. When my wife pointed out their thievery to them they fired her.
The world could end today if it would kill that damned organization and besides groups like them who take in goods for free and then sell them how the hell can they be classified as a non profit and don't get me started on how many EBT cards their clients turn over to them while they're supposedly "rehab."
It ain't the bell ringers they're just doing a temporary job at minimum wage...it's them that empty the buckets who get the free cars (including their kids), free houses including utilities, free cable and all the while earning a retirement better than any Auto worker could dream of.
So glad Armageddon has been postponed!
Mine's up.
What an awesome 55! It tops off a wonderful year of reading your blog. I may have posted in a tumultuous manner of late, but I am always lurking about :)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours handsome man xoxo
Give, sing, laugh-
Merry Christmas everyone.
Great Bucket! Reminds me to hurry up and make all my donations before the end of the year--55 cents here, 55 cents there. (Ha.) (Do need to do it.)
Here's mine:
I'm not going to even try link this morning--site will work! Have a lovely holiday. K.
Okay, I'll try link.
the mystery of Christmas
You too.. have a Kick-a** week..
Betty Ann aka Ms.Hen
enjoyed the 55.. and though not fiction, am linking my 55 here as well..http://myrandrspace.blogspot.com/2011/12/fun-friday-fun-of-blogging.html
Have a very merry Christmas, G-Man.
Loved it, G. I now feel even more guilty passing by at the grocer last night...no change! I shall be running around today/tomorrow...must grab some paper/coins in honor of your 55!! I've a boring one, but at least it is in the spirit of going home, no matter where that may be and ..."Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas". Peace ~
Merry Christmas g-man! and all the same to all the 55ers...hope everyone have a safe holiday surrounded by those they love.
my 55
Hi, Galen: I have a Friday Flash 55 story up! Be sure to visit and read it. My grandson, Thad, helped me to write it. We hope you enjoy it. It's SCARY!! Donnetta
wishing you a very merry Christmas, my friend. i hope 2012 is a kick-ass year for you, G!
{sorry no 55 this week}
d ♥
Friday went by too soon! So my flash, although early, missed the boat!! LOL. But you can see it's dying embers HERE
Great 55 G-man, as alway! I´m finally up, one day late...
Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful weekend!
merrie chrissmiss!
I hops you haz lots of joy and funs.
my jannie sends luvs too.
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